1. Living organism differ in
(a) shape (b) form (c) size and habit (d) all
 2. Which is not a character of sponges?
(a) Multicellular (b) Cells are functionally independent
(c) Cellular level of organization (d) Tissue level of organization
 3. Which phylum shows tissue level of organization?
(a) protozoa (b) porifera (c) coelenterate (d) all
 4. Organ system level of organization is not found in
(a) annelida (b) arthropod (c) molluscs (d) platyhelminthes
 5. Incomplete digestive tract (blind sac body plan) is found in
(a) annelida (b) arthropod (c) molluscs (d) platyhelminthes
 6. Closed type of circulatory system present in
(a) annelida and arthropod (b) arthropod and mollusc
(c) annelida and cephalopods (d) mollusc and echinodermates
 7. In open type of circulatory system
(a) blood fl ow in sinuses
(b) blood pressure is low and irregular
(c) it is found in arthropods and mollusc(except cephalopods)
(d) all are true
 8. Closed type of circulatory system is found in
(a) annelida (b) cephalopods (c) vertebrate (d) all
 9. What is false about closed circulatory system?
(a) blood pressure is high and regular
(b) amount of blood is limited
(c) blood circulates through arteries, veins and capillaries
(d) blood pressure is low and irregular
 10. When body of animal can be divided into equal left and right halves by one plane symmetry.
It is known as
(a) bilateral (b) radial (c) biradial (d) asymmetric
 11. Radial symmetry is shown by
(a) coelenterate (b) platyhelminths
(c) adult echinodermates (d) both (a) and (c)
 12. Most of the sponges are
(a) bilateral (b) radial (c) biradial (d) asymmetric

13. First diploblastic animal is
(a) coelenterates (b) platyhelminths (c) aschelminthes (d) annelida
 14. First triploblastic animal is
(a) coelenterates (b) platyhelminths (c) aschelminthe (d) annelida
 15. Triploblastic animal contains
(a) ectoderm (b) mesoderm (c) endoderm (d) all
 16. Aschelminthe are
(a) eucoelomate (b) pseudocoelomate (c) acoelomate (d) none
 17. Following are acoelomate
(a) porifera (b) coelenterates (c) platyhelminths (d) all
 18. Metameric segmentation is found in
(a) annelida (b) arthropod (c) both (d) platyhelminths
 19. Notochord is derived from which layer?
(a) ectoderm (b) mesoderm (c) endoderm (d) all
 20. Which of the following is correct about notochord?
(a) dorsally situated (b) mesodermal in origin
(c) rod like (d) all
 21. Radial symmetry is shown by
(a) ctenophores (b) coelenterates
(c) adult echinodermates (d) all
 22. Undiff erentiated layer present between ectoderm and endoderm in coelenterate is
(a) mesophyll (b) gastral layer (c) archenteron (d) mesoglea
 23. Which of the following is correct about metamerism (true segmentation)?
(a) every organ shows serial repetition
(b) body is divided externally as well as internally
(c) each segment not supplied with separate nerve and blood vessels
(d) all
 24. In some animals, body cavity is not lined by mesoderm. Instead the mesoderm is present as
scattered pouches in between the ectoderm and endoderm. Such a body cavity is called
(a) eucoelom (b) pseudocoelom (c) acoelom (d) any of the above
 25. Following are coelomates except (true coelom)
(a) Annelida (b) Plotyhelminthes
(c) Mollusca (d) Chordata
 26. Select total number of organism from the following which are sessile:
 Amoeba, Euglena, Adamsia, Spongilla, Hydra, Jelly fi sh, Earthworm
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
 27. Which of the following is incorrect about Porifera?
(a) It is solitary or colonial organism
(b) Majority live in sea and some live in fresh water
(c) Most of them are asymmetric
(d) All
 28. Members of phylum Porifera are commonly known as
(a) fl atworms (b) roundworms (c) sponges (d) corals
 29. Water path in sponges is
(a) ostia → spongocoel → osculum (b) osculum → spongocoel → osculum
(c) ostia → spongocoel → ostia (d) spongocoel → ostia → osculum

30. Unique character of sponges is
(a) choanoctyes or collar cells line, the spongocoel and the canals
(b) that they are hermaphrodite
(c) that they live in marine water
(d) it reproduces by asexual means only
 31. Character possessed by all sponges are
(a) that all are fresh water (b) all possess tissue level of organization
(c) external fertilisation (d) hermaphrodite
 32. Select the total number of statements belonging to sponges:
(1) Cellular level of organization.
(2) Body is supported by endoskeleton made up of spicules or sponging fi bres.
(3) Larva stage is morphologically diff erent from adult.
(4) Pathway of water transport is helpful in gathering of food, respiratory exchange and
removal of waste.
(5) Hermaphrodite organism.
(6) They show power of regeneration.
(a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 4 (d) 3
 33. Select fresh water sponge from the following:
(a) Sycon (b) Euspongia (c) Spongilla (d) Haylonema
 34. Another name of sycon is
(a) Scypha (b) Euspongia (c) Spongilla (d) Haylonema
 35. Match the following:
Column I Column II
A. Sycon – 1. Bath sponge
B. Spongilla – 2. Scypha
C. Euspongia – 3. Fresh water sponge
(a) A–2, B–3, C–1 (b) A–1, B–2, C–3
(c) A–3, B–2, C–1 (d) A–3, B–1, C–2
 36. Select total number of marine sponges from the following:
 Leucosolenia, Euspongia, Spongilla, Sycon, Haylonema
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 2
 37. Primitive multicellular animals having cellular level of organization are
(a) ctenophores (b) sponges (c) corals (d) crustacean
 38. Water enters through minute pores in the body wall into central cavity in sponges. These
 minute pores are known as
(a) osculum (b) ostia (c) spongocoel (d) any of the above
 39. In sponge, sperm and ova are produced by same individual. Such types of organisms are called
(a) asexual (b) unisexual (c) hermaphrodite (d) dioecious
 40. Canal system and choanocytes are characterstic of
(a) ctenophora (b) coelenterates (c) platyhelminths (d) porifera
 41. In sponges commonly seen larva are
(a) Amphiblastula (b) Parenchymula (c) Planula (d) Both (a) and (b)
 42. Digestion in sponges is
(a) intracellular (b) extracellular (c) both (d) none
 43. Which of the following is correct about reproduction?
(a) the mode of asexual reproduction gemmule formation, budding and fragmentation
(b) fertilization is internal
(c) development is indirect
(d) all
 44. Exogenous budding is seen in case of
(a) scypha (b) euspongia (c) spongilla (d) haylonema
 45. Following characters are related to phylum:
 (1) Aquatic, mostly marine. (2) Sessile or free swimming.
 (3) Radially symmetrical animals. (4) They show polymorphism.
 (a) Porifera (b) Ctenophora (c) Echinodermata (d) Coelentrata
 46. Cnidoblast is a characteristic feature of
(a) porifera (b) coelentrata (c) ctenophora (d) arthropoda
 47. First diploblastic animal showing tissue level of organization is
(a) Sycon (b) Gorgonia (c) Taenia (d) Locust
 48. Cnidoblast is used for
(a) anchorage (b) defense (c) capture of prey (d) all
 49. Select the total number of organisms from the following which shows both intra and extra
 cellular digestion.
 Physalia, Pleurobrachia, Taenia, Culex, Apis, Neries, Echinus, Salpa, Meandrina,
Pennatula, Doliolum, Catla, Hyla, Adamsia, Gorgonia, Ctenoplana.
(a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 7 (d) 10
 50. Select correct matching:
(a) Petromyzon – Hag fi sh
(b) Echinus – Brittle star
(c) Apis – Silkworm
(d) Pennatula – Sea pen
 51. Select incorrect matching:
(a) Locusta – Locust
(b) Cucumaria – Sea cucumber
(c) Meandrina – Sea anemone
(d) Echinus – Sea urchin
 52. Some cnidarians examples corals have a skeleton composed of
(a) spongin fi bres (b) silica (c) calcium carbonate (d) any of the above
 53. Metagensis is shown by
(a) hydra (b) adamsia (c) aurelia (d) obelia
 54. Which of the following is not true fi sh?
(a) Exocoetus (b) Betta (c) Saw fi sh (d) Jelly fi sh
 55. Umbrella shape and free swimming form of coelentrate reproduce by sexual reproduction is
(a) polyp (b) medusa (c) both (d) none
 56. Sessile, cylindrical form of coelenterate reproduce by asexual reproduction is
(a) polyp (b) medusa (c) both (d) none
 57. Polyp → Asexually → Medusa → Sexually → Polyp
 The above cycle is shown by
(a) physalia (b) aurelia (c) obelia (d) hydra
 58. Select from the following total number of organisms which contain the word ‘sea’ in their
common names.
 Physalia, Adamsia, Pennatula, Gorgonia, Meandrina, Hydra, Aurelia, Obelia
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5

59. Following is known as Portuguese man-of-war
(a) gorgonia (b) aurelia (c) physalia (d) obelia
 60. First phylum shows nerve net
(a) porifera (b) coelenterate (c) platyhelminths (d) protozoa
 61. Gastro-vascular cavity with single opening is found in
(a) porifera (b) coelenterate (c) aschelminths (d) annelida
 62. Coelenterates asexually reproduce by
(a) Budding (b) Gametes (c) Conidia (d) Gemmules
 63. Larva stage shown by coelenterate is called
(a) Amphiblastula (b) Parenchymula (c) Planula (d) All
 64. Match the following:
Column I Column II
A. Physalia – 1. Brain coral
B. Adamsia – 2. Sea fan
C. Pennatula – 3. Sea pen
D. Gorgonia – 4. Sea anemone
E. Meandrina – 5. Portuguese man-of-war
F. Aurelia – 6. Jellyfi sh
(a) A−5, B−4, C−2, D−3, E−1, F–6
(b) A–5, B–4, C–3, D–2, E–1, F–6
(c) A–5, B–4, C–2, D–1, E–2, F–6
(d) A–5, B–3, C–4, D–2, E–1, F–6
 65. Ctenophores are commonly known as
(a) Sea walnut (b) Comb jellies (c) Both (d) None
 66. Following features belongs to which phylum?
 (1) Exclusively marine. (2) Radial symmetry.
 (3) Diploblastic. (4) Tissue level organization.
 (a) Coelentrata (b) Porifera
 (c) Ctenophora (d) Platyhelminth
 67. Body bears eight external rows of ciliated comb plates present in phylum _____.
(a) Coelentrata (b) Porifera (c) Ctenophora (d) Platyhelminth
 68. Ctenophores show
(a) Extra and intra cellular digestion (b) Sexual reproduction only
(c) Bio luminescence (d) All
 69. Example of ctenophores is
(a) Pleurobrachia (b) Ctenoplana (c) Both (d) None
 70. Following features belong to which phylum?
(1) Bilateral symmetry. (2) Triploblastic, Acoelomate.
(3) Organ level of organization. (4) Dorso-ventrally fl attened body.
(a) Platyhelminthes (b) Aschelminthes (c) Annelida (d) Arthropoda
 71. Plathyhelminthes called fl at worms because
(a) They are triploblastic (b) They are without coelom
(c) They have organ level of organization (d) Their body is dorso-ventrally fl attened
 72. Following are characters present in platyhelminthes:
(1) Some absorb nutrients from the host directly through their body surface.
(2) Digestive system incomplete, branched and without anus.
(3) Flame cells/solenocyte protonephridia help in excretion and osmoregulation.
(4) Hooks and Suckers are present in parasitic form.
(5) Hermaphrodites.
(6) Fertilization internal.
(7) Indirect development through many larva stages.
(a) 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 (b) 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 (c) All except 1 (d) All
 73. Which platyhelminthes posses high power of regeneration?
(a) Planaria/Dugesia (b) Taenia (c) Fasciola (d) Liver fl uke
 74. Flame cells helps in excretion and osmoregulation in
(a) earthworm (b) hookworm (c) roundworm (d) tapeworm
 75. Internal fertilization is seen in
(a) pleurobrachia (b) fasciola (c) ctenoplana (d) all

77. Phylum whose organism are mostly endoparasites is
(a) platyhelminthes (b) annelida (c) arthropoda (d) mollusca
 78. Following are pseudocoelomate:
(a) Roundworm (b) Hookworm (c) Filarial worm (d) All
 79. The body of the aschelminthes is circular in cross section. Hence it is named as
(a) tapeworm (b) earthworm (c) hookworm (d) roundworm
 80. Roundworms/Nematodes are
(a) free living (b) aquatic or terrestrial
(c) parasitic on animals and plants (d) all
 81. Select total number of organism shows internal fertilization.
 Ascaris, Wuchereria, Ancylostoma, Taenia, Fasciola, Sycon, Euspongia, Spongilla, pleu-
robrachia, ctenoplana
(a) 6 (b) 7 (c) 8 (d) 5
 82. Which character not belongs to phylum Aschelminthes?
(a) Excretory tube (branched ducts) remove body waste form the body cavity through
excretory pore
(b) Usually sexes are separate (unisexual or dioecious)
(c) Development may be direct or indirect
(d) Alimentary canal is incomplete with a well-developed muscular pharynx
 83. Match the following:
Column I Column II
A. Ascaris – 1. Intestinal Roundworm
B. Wuchereria – 2. Filarialworm
C. Ancylostoma – 3. Hookworm
D. Pheretima – 4. Earthworm

(a) A–2, B–4, C–3, D–1
(b) A–1, B–2, C–3, D–4
(c) A–4, B–3, C–1, D–2
(d) A–2, B–1, C–4, D–3
 84. Which of the following is correct about ascaris?
(a) females are smaller than males (b) posterior end of male curved dorsally
(c) females are longer than males (d) fertilization is external
 85. Select total number of organism from the following contain well-developed muscular pharynx
with complete alimentary canal.
 Taenia, Fasciola, Planaria, Ascaris, Filarial worm, Hookworm
(a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 2
 86. Metamerism is found in
(a) ascaris (b) leech (c) loligo (d) octopus
 87. Nephridia help in excretion and osmoregulation in
(a) nereis (b) pheretima (c) hirudinaria (d) all
 88. Closed circulatory system is present in
(a) nereis (b) pheretima (c) ascaris (d) both (a) and (b)
 89. Animals having cylindrical body having organ system level of organization showing
metamerism belong to phylum
(a) arthropoda (b) mollusca (c) annelida (d) platyhelminthes
 90. Annelids may be
(a) aquatic (marine and fresh water), terrestrial
(b) free living
(c) parasite
(d) all
 91. Neural system consists of paired ganglia connected by lateral nerve to a double ventral
nerve cord present in
(a) fasciola (b) ancylostoma (c) nereis (d) taenia
 92. Which of the following are monoecious?
 Ascaris, Wuchereria, Ancylostoma, Neries, Pheretima, Hirudinaria
(a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
 93. First true coelomates are
(a) nereis (b) centipede (c) crab (d) wuchereria
 94. Following features belong to which of the following phylum?
 (1) Triploblastic.
 (2) Bilateral symmetry.
 (3) Eucoelomate.
 (4) Metamerism.
(a) Mollusca (b) Aschelminthe (c) Platyhelminthes (d) Annelida
 95. Which of the following is correct about parapodia?
(a) they are longitudinal muscles which help in locomotion
(b) they are circular muscles which help in locomotion
(c) in swimming
(d) it is dorsal appendages of nereis
 96. Which of the following is largest phylum?
(a) Mollusca (b) Echinodermata (c) Arthropoda (d) Annelida

97. How many species named on earth is arthropoda?
(a) ½
(b) ⅔
(c) ¼
(d) ¾

 98. In which of the following phylum body in generally divided in head, thorax and abdomen?
(a) Mollusca (b) Echinodermata (c) Arthropoda (d) Annelida
 99. Which of the following phylum shows segmentation?
(a) Annelida (b) Arthropoda (c) Both (d) Platyhalmithes
 100. Following features are of
 (1) Exoskeleton of chitin.
 (2) Malphigian tubules as excretory organ.
 (3) Tracheal system for respiration.
 (4) 3 pair of legs in thoracic region.
(a) limulus (b) prawn (c) spider (d) cockroach
 101. Respiration occur through organs like gills, book gills, book lungs or tracheal system found in
(a) mollusca (b) annelida (c) arthropoda (d) echinodermata
 102. Which of the following are sensory organs in phylum Arthropoda?
 (1) Simple or compound eye.
 (2) Statocyst or balance organ.
 (3) Malphigian tubules.
 (4) Antennae.
(a) All except (4) (b) All except (1) (c) All except (3) (d) All except (2)
 103. Which of the following is correct about reproduction in Arthropods?
(a) usually dioecious, mostly oviparous (b) internal fertilization
(c) some exhibit parthenogenesis (d) all
 104. Ecdysis seen in case of
(a) nereis (b) pila
(c) sea urchin (d) cockroach
 105. Exoskeleton of Arthropods are chitinous and it sheds at interval for growth and development
process known as
(a) autotomy (b) metamerism
(c) ecdysis (moulting) (d) aestivation
 106. Presence of joint appendages is speciality of phylum _____
(a) mollusca (b) echinodermata (c) arthropoda (d) annelidia
 107. Bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic, segmented, coulometer and covered by chitinous
 exoskeleton are features of
(a) anneldia (b) vertebrata (c) amphibia (d) arthropoda
 108. Which of the following is true for Arthropoda?
(a) Development may be direct or indirect
(b) Open circulatory system
(c) Excretion takes place by green gland, coxal gland and Malphigian tubules
(d) All
 109. Select from the following the total number of useful insects.
 Apis, Bombyx, Laccifer, Anopheles, Culex, Aedes, Prawn, Scorpion, Locust, Limulus.
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 5

110. Select from the following the total number of organism that belongs to phylum arthropoda.
 Locust, Butterfl y, Scorpion, Prawn, Salpa, doliolums, Pila, Chiton, Antedon, Hyla,
Myxine, Locust, Loligo, Culex, Cucumaria, Cuttle fi sh.
(a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 8 (d) 12
 111. Select the living fossil from the following:
(a) culex (b) silkworm (c) lac insect (d) limulus
 112. Following mosquitoes used as vector for various diseases:
(a) culex (b) anopheles (c) aedes (d) all
 113. Other name of limulus is
(a) laccifer (b) locust (c) king crab (d) gregarious pest
 114. Which of the following is a gregarious pest?
(a) Laccifer (b) Locusta (c) King crab (d) Both (a) and (b)
 115. Match the following:
Column I Column II
A. Locusta – 1. Apis
B. Honey bee – 2. Locust
C. Silkworm – 3. Bombyx
D. Lac insect – 4. Laccifer
(a) A–4, B–1, C–3, D–4 (b) A–2, B− 1, C–4, D–3
(c) A–2, B–1, C–3, D–4 (d) A–4, B–3, C–1, D–4
 116. Which of the following belongs to arthropods?
(a) Peripatus and crab (b) Prawn and scorpion
(c) Centipede and cockroach (d) All
 117. Animals with soft body, bilateral symmetry, triploblastic and unsegmented, usually protected
by a shell made up of calcium carbonate belongs to phylum _____
(a) porifera (b) echinodermata (c) mollusca (d) arthropoda
 118. The mouth contain fi le-like rasping organ for feeding called radula found in
(a) mollusca (b) hemichrodata (c) echinodermata (d) arthropoda
 119. The body of ___ is unsegmented with a distinct head, muscular foot and visceral mass
(a) asterias (b) ophiura (c) balonoglossus (d) devil fi sh
 120. A. A soft and spongy layer of skin thormsa _(i)_ over the visceral hump.
B. A _(ii)_ cavity contain _(iii)_ like gills.
C. A antenor head region has sensory _(iv)_.
Fill in the blanks in the above respective statement.
(a) Mantle, Mantle, Comb, Papilla (b) Mantle, Mesoglea, Feather, Papilla
(c) Mantle, Mantle, Feather, Tentacles (d) Mantle, Mantle, Comb, Tentacles
 121. Which of the following is true about reproduction in mollusca?
 (1) Mostly dioecious. (2) Oviparous.
 (3) Mainly indirect development. (4) Fertilization is external or internal.
(a) All except (4) (b) All except (3) (c) All except (2) (d) All
 122. Which of the following is not a fi sh?
(a) Devil fi sh (b) Cuttle fi sh (c) Jelly fi sh (d) All
 123. Match the following:
Column I Column II
A. Pila – 1. Tusk shell
B. Chiton – 2. Apple snail
C. Dentalium – 3. Cuttle fi sh
D. Sepia – 4. Chaetopleura
(a) A–2, B–1, C–4, D–3
(b) A–2, B–4, C–1, D–3
(c) A–4, B–2, C–3, D–1
(d) A–4, B–3, C–2, D–1
 124. Devil fi sh is called
(a) pearl oyster (b) tusk shell (c) sepia (d) octopus
 125. Majority of mollusca are
(a) aquatic (b) terrestrial (c) aerial (d) any of the above
 126. Select the total number of organism from the following which are mollusca:
 Pila, Pinctada, Sepia, Loligo, Aplysia, Echinus, Antedon, Salpa, Bufo, Chelone, Neophron,
Pteropus, Elephas, Pavo
(a) 7 (b) 6 (c) 5 (d) 9
 127. Mantle cavity is a site of
(a) excretion (b) respiration (c) both (d) none
 128. Shell in mollusc is
(a) external (b) internal (c) any of the above (d) shell absent
 129. Unsegmented, triplobiastic, eucoelomate is
(a) pheretima (b) laccifer (c) pila (d) all
 130. Select incorrect matching:
(a) Aurelia – Jelly fi sh
(b) Sepia – Cuttle fi sh
(c) Octopus – Devil fi sh
(d) Loligo – Fighting fi sh
 131. Select incorrect matching:
(a) Gorgonia – Sea fan
(b) Adamsia – Sea anemone
(c) Aplysia – Sea cucumber
(d) Antedon – Sea lily
 132. Pinctada is a
(a) sea hare (b) cuttle fi sh (c) pearl oyster (d) apple snail
 133. Common name of which organism contain ‘sea’ in their name?
(a) Chaetopleura (b) Dentalium (c) Sepia (d) Aplysia
 134. Animals having calcareous endoskeleton with organ-system level of organization, completely
marine are
(a) arthropoda (b) mollusca (c) hemichordates (d) echinodermates
 135. In which phylum, larva is bilaterally symmetrical and adult have radial symmetry?
(a) Arthropoda (b) Mollusca (c) Hemichordata (d) Echinodermata
 136. Most distinctive feature of echinoderm is
(a) gastro vascular cavity
(b) choanoctyes
(c) water vascular system/ambulacral system
(d) canal system
 137. Water vascular system helps in
(a) locomotion (b) capture and transport of food
(c) respiration (d) all

138. Which of the following is true about reproduction in echinoderms?
(a) unisexuality
(b) usually external fertilization
(c) indirect development through free swimming larva
(d) all
 139. Following are spiny-bodied animals:
 Pila, Pinctada, Asterias, Echinus, Antedon, Cucumaria, Brittle star, Octopus
(a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 3
 140. Select correct matching:
(a) Asterias – Sea urchin
(b) Pila – Pearl oyster
(c) Ophiura – Brittle star
(d) Loligo – Cuttle fi sh
 141. Select incorrect matching:
(a) Asterias – Star fi sh
(b) Echinus – Sea urchin
(c) Antedon – Sea lily
(d) Cucumaria – Sea fan
 142. Sea urchin belongs to phylum:
(a) echinodermata (b) hemichordata (c) ctenophora (d) mollusca
 143. Another name of cucummaria is
(a) sea urchin (b) sea mouse (c) sea pen (d) sea cucumber
 144. Which phylum shows regeneration of lost part?
(a) mollusca (b) annelida (c) arthropoda (d) echinodermata
 145. Which phylum has the following features?
 (1) Digestive track complete, straight or U shape
 (2) Worm like, unsegmented marine animal
 (3) Respiration by gills.
 (4) Excretion by single probocis gland
 (5) Circulatory system open
(a) Arthropoda (b) Mollusca (c) Hemichordata (d) Urochordata
 146. Which is a phylum?
(a) Hemichordata (b) Urochordata (c) Cephalochordata (d) All
 147. Larva of hemichordate is
(a) Amphiblastula (b) Torneria (c) Ammocoet (d) Planula
 148. Which of the following is correct about reproduction in hemichordata?
(a) Internal fertilization (b) Usually direct development
(c) Sexes are separate (d) Monoecious organism
 149. The body is cylindrical and composed of anterior proboscis and a collar and a long trunk found in
(a) Ascidia (b) Salpa (c) Dolidum (d) Saccoglossus
 150. Excretory organ proboscis gland is present in
(a) Ascidia (b) Salpa (c) Doliolum (d) Saccoglossus
 151. Fundamental character of chordate is
(a) notochord (b) dorsal hollow nerve cord
(c) paired pharyngeal gill stils (d) all

152. Which is not a distiactive character of non-chordata?
(a) Notochoral absent (b) Ventral and double nerve cord
(c) Heart is ventral (d) Post-anal tail is absent
 153. Following are the features of chordates:
 (1) Notrchord present.
 (2) CNS is dorsal, hollow and single.
 (3) Pharynx perforated by gill slits.
 (4) Heart ventral.
 (5) A post-anal is present
(a) All except (4) (b) All except (2) (c) All (d) All except (5)
 154. Animal belonging to phylum chordata shows
(a) bilateral symmetry, triploblastic and the coelom
(b) organ system level of organization
(c) closed circulatory system
(d) all
 155. Urochordata and cephalochordate are referred as
(a) non chordates (b) vertebrates (c) protochordates (d) all
 156. In which subphyla, notochord is present in tail of larva only?
(a) Hemichordata (b) Urochordata (c) Cephalochordata (d) All
 157. Notochord is extended from head to tail region and persistent throughout their life in
(a) Hemichordata (b) Urochordata (c) Cephalochordata (d) All
 158. How many of the following belongs to subphylum cephalochordate?
 Ascidia, Salpa, Doliolum, Branchiostoma
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
 159. Other name of Banchiostoma is
(a) amphioxus (b) lancelet (c) both (d) none
 160. Select incorrect statement from the following:
(a) In vertebrates notochord is replaced by cartilaginous or bony vertebral column
(b) In cephalochordates, notochord extended from head to tail region and persistent throughout life
(c) Protochordates are exclusively marine
(d) Notochord is present in tail of adult in urochordata
 161. Vertebrates have
(a) ventral muscular hean with 3, 2 or 4 chamber
(b) kidneys for excretion and osmoregulation
(c) paired appendages which may be fi ns or limbs
(d) all
 162. Which of the following is exoskelton in vertebrates?
(a) Scales (b) Feathers (c) Hair (d) Any of the above
 163. All living members of which class is ectoparasite on fi shes?
(a) Turbellaria (b) Chondrichthyes (c) Cephalopoda (d) Cyclostomata
 164. Following are characters of cyclostomata:
(a) 6–15 pairs of gill slits for respiration (b) Sucking and circular mouth without jaws
(c) Body is devoid of scales and paired fi ns (d) All
 165. Which of the following organism possess cartilaginous cranium, vertebral column, closed
type of circulatory system, which helps them migrate to fresh water for spawning?
(a) Ascidia (b) Scoliodon (c) Petromyzon (d) All

166. Following are marine but migrate for spawning to fresh water. After spawning, within a
few days, they die. Their larvae, after metamorphosis, return to ocean. Specify the correct
(a) Petromyzon (Lamprey) (b) Myxine (Hagfi sh)
(c) Scoliodon (d) Both (a) and (b)
 167. Which of the following is correct about cytoclostmes?
(a) Ectoparasite on fi shes during their adult stage
(b) Skin with scales and contain unicellular mucous gland
(c) One kidney for excretion
(d) Heart is two chambered and possess 4 pair of gill slits for respiration
 168. Class name ‘cyclostomata’ means
(a) Marine, but reproduction takes place in fresh water
(b) Mouth anterio ventral, suctorial and circular
(c) Ectoparasite of fi shes
(d) Jasws are absent
 169. Study of fi shes is called
(a) Ichthyology (b) Serpentology (c) Saurology (d) Chonchology
 170. (1) Marine with streamlined body
 (2) Cartilaginous endoskeleton
 (3) Mouth ventral
 (4) Candal fi n in Heterocercal
 (5) Notochord is persistent throughout life.
 Above characters belong to which of the following organism (select total number)?
 Dog fi sh, Saw fi sh, Flying fi sh, Fighting fi sh, Angle fi sh, Jelly fi sh, Star fi sh, Trygon,
Torpedo, Rohu, Katla, Magur
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 7
 171. Scales found in chondricthyes is/are
(a) placoid (b) cycloid (c) ctenoid (d) all
 172. Which of the following is incorrect about Cartilaginous fi sh?
(a) Teeth are modifi ed placoid scales which are backwordly directed
(b) 5 to 7 pair of gills for respiration but without operculum (i.e. gill cover)
(c) Air bladder absent so they have to swim constantly to avoid sinking
(d) In males pelvie fi ns claspers are absent
 173. Select the total number of organism which posses two chambered heart and are poikilothermal.
 Scoliodon, Pristis, Clarias, Betta, Pterophyllum, Echinus, Devil Fish, Cuttle fi sh, Sea lily,
Hyla, Labeo, catla, Torpedo, Trygon
(a) 7 (b) 9 (c) 11 (d) 13
 174. Select the diff erence which is wrongly written:
Cartilaginous fi sh Bony fi shes
(a) Operculum absent – Operculum present
(b) Fertilization internal – Fertilization external
(c) Posses 5–7 pair of gills – Posses 4 pair of gills
(d) Mostly oviparous – Mostly viviparous
 175. Which fi sh possess poison sting?
(a) Scohiodon (dog fi sh) (b) Trygon
(c) Torpedo (d) Pristis (saw fish)

176. Which fi sh possess electric organs?
(a) Scohiodon (dog fi sh) (b) Trygon
(c) Torpedo (d) Pristis (saw fi sh)
 177. Males possess claspers in pelvic fi ns in class _____
(a) cyclostomata (b) chondricthyes (c) osteicthyes (d) amphibia
 178. Select correct matching:
(a) Petromyzon – Hagfi sh
(b) Myxine – Lamprey
(c) Carcharodon – Great white shark
(d) Trygon – Torpedo
 179. (1) Stream-lined body.
(2) Both marine and fresh water.
(3) Mouth terminal.
(4) Caudal fi n Homocercal.
(5) 4 pair of gills with operculum.
 Which class has the above characters?
(a) Cyclostomata (b) Chondricthyes (c) Osteicthyes (d) Amphibia
 180. Osteicthyes possess which kind of scales?
(a) placoid (b) cycloid (c) ctenoid (d) both (b) and (c)
 181. External fertilization is found in
(a) sting ray (b) fl ying fi sh (c) saw fi sh (d) dog fi sh
 182. Select total number of bony fi shes from the following:
 Exocoetus, Hippocampus, Labeo, Catla, Clarias, Betta, Pterophyllum, Trygon, Torpedo,
Pristis, Scolidon, Carcharodon.
(a) 6 (b) 7 (c) 8 (d) 12
 183. Air bladder which regulate buoyancy is present in
(a) cyclostomata (b) cartilagenous fi sh (c) bony fi shes (d) amphibians
 184. Select correct matching:
(a) Betta – Fighting fi sh
(b) Hippocampus – Flying fi sh
(c) Pterophyllum – Fighting fi sh
(d) Clarias – Labeo
 185. Select incorrect matching:
(a) Scoliodon – Dog fi sh
(b) pterophyllum – Angel fi sh
(c) Calarias – Magur
(d) Trygon – Torpedo
 186. Select correct matching:
(a) Cyclostomata – gills (6–15 pairs)
(b) Chondricthyes – gills (5–7 pairs)
(c) Osteicthyes – gills (4 pairs)
(d) All are correct
 187. Following are marine bony fi shes:
(a) Exocoetus (fl ying fi sh) (b) Hippocampus (sea-horse)
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Saw fish (pristis)

188. Following are fresh water bony fi shes:
(a) Labeo (rohu) (b) Catla (katla) (c) Clarias (magur) (d) All
 189. Following are fresh water cartilaginous fi shes
(a) Scoliodon (dog fi sh) (b) Trygon (sting ray)
(c) Torpedo (electric ray) (d) None
 190. The name ‘amphibian’ indicate that they can live in
(a) aquatic habitat (b) terrestrial habitat
(c) both (a) and (b) (d) aerial habitat
 191. Amphibian belong to super class
(a) pisces (b) agnatha (c) gnathostomata (d) tetrapoda
 192. Following features belong to which class?
 (1) Body in divisible into head and trunks, tail may be present in some.
 (2) Skin is moist and act as respiratory organ.
 (3) External skeleton is absent.
 (4) Eye have eyelids.
(a) Cyclostomata (b) Amphibia (c) Reptilia (d) Osteichthyes
 193. Respiration in adult frog is by
(a) Buccopharyngeal cavity (b) Skin
(c) Lungs (d) All
 194. Respiration in tadpole larva is by
(a) gills (b) lungs (c) skin (d) all
 195. Following tract open into a common chamber cloaca in amphibians
(a) Alimentary canal (b) Urinary tract
(c) Reproductive tract (d) All
 196. Which type of dentition is found in amphibian?
(a) Homodont (b) Thecodont (c) Heterodont (d) Monophyodont
 197. Three chambered heart, cold blooded, external fertilization and indirect development is seen in
(a) labeo (b) salpa (c) frog (d) myxine
 198. Skin is moist and a tympanum represent ear is found in
(a) hyla (b) frog (c) icthyophis (d) all
 199. Select correct matching:
Column I Column II
A. Bufo – 1. Salamander
B. Frog – 2. Rana
C. Hyla – 3. Limbless amphibian
D. Salamandra – 4. Tree frog
E. Icthyophis – 5. Toad
(a) A–2, B–5, C–4, D–1, E–3
(b) A–5, B–2, C–4, D–1, E–3
(c) A–2, B–4, C–5, D–1, E–3
(d) A–5, B–4, C–2, D–1, E–3
 200. Limbless amphibian is
(a) frog (b) tree frog (c) icthyophis (d) bufo
 201. First class of vertebrate, which are fully adopted for terrestrial life is
(a) amphibia (b) reptilia (c) aves (d) mammals

202. Reptilia means
(a) fl ying mode of locomotion (b) swim mode of locomotion
(c) saltation mode of locomotion (d) creeping or crawling mode of locomotion
 203. Which of the following is incorrect about reptilia?
(a) Body is covered by dry and cornifi ed skin, epidermal scales or scutes
(b) Body divisible into head, neck, trunk and tail
(c) Heart is usually three chambered
(d) Respiration occur through lungs and skin
 204. Four chambered heart is present in all except
(a) crocodilus (b) alligator (c) corvus (d) calotes
 205. Which of the following shed their scales as skin cast?
(a) Snakes (b) Lizards (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Testudo
 206. Sexes separate, internal fertilization, oviparous and direct development seen in case of
(a) Chelone (b) Testudo (c) Bangarus (d) All
 207. Cloaca is seen in case of
(a) Amphibia (b) Reptiles (c) Aves (d) All
 208. Select incorrect matching:
(a) Chelone – Turtle
(b) Testudo – Tortoise
(c) Chameleon – Tree lizard
(d) Calotes – Wall lizard
 209. Select incorrect matching:
(a) Naja – Cobra
(b) Krait – Bangarus
(c) Vipera – Viper
(d) Hemidactylus – Garden lizard
 210. Select the total number of lizards from the following:
 Chelone, caloles, chameleon, crocodylus, hemidactylus, columba, neophron
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
 211. Following are poisonous snakes
(a) cobra (b) krait (c) viper (d) all
 212. Limbless reptile is
(a) chameleon (b) crocodile (c) chelone (d) snake
 213. In birds
Forelimb are modifi ed into _(1)_
Jaw modifi ed into _(2)_
Bones are _(3)_
Heart is _(4)_
Fill in the blanks correctly:
(a) Wings, beak, solid, 3 chambered
(b) Wings, beak, pneumatic, 4 chambered
(c) Claws, beak, pneumatic, 3 chambered
(d) Wings, beak, solid, incompletely 4 chambered
 214. First vertebrate which are warm-blooded
(a) reptilia (b) amphibian (c) birds (d) mammals

215. The aves have additional chamber in digestive tract and of which ____ is for food storage and
____ for food grinding.
(a) crop, gizzard (b) gizzard, crop
(c) crop, pharynx (d) pharynx, gizzard
 216. All are fl ying birds from the following except
(a) corvus (b) columba (c) psittacula (d) aptenodytes
 217. Pneumatic bones are present in
(a) corvus (b) neophron (vulture)
(c) pavo (peacock) (d) all
 218. Which of the following is incorrect about birds?
(a) Air sacs connected to lungs help in respiration
(b) Hind limb posses scales and are modifi ed for walking, swimming or clasping
(c) Separate sexes, internal fertilization, oviparous and direct development
(d) Endoskeleton is consist of feathers, scales, beak and claws
 219. Mammalia means organism which possess
(a) exoskeleton (b) endoskeleton of bone
(c) mammary gland (d) two pair of limbs
 220. Following features belong to
(1) Exoskeleton include hairs on body, horns and nail.
(2) Pinna present.
(3) Heart is four chambered.
(4) Warm-blooded (homoiotherm).
(5) Thecodont and Heterodont teeth.
(a) Reptilia (b) Aves
(c) Mammals (d) Amphibians
 221. Mammals are adapted for
(a) walking and running (c) climbing and burrowing
(c) swimming and fl ying (d) any of the above
 222. Mammals are mostly
(a) viviparous (b) oviparous (c) ovoviviparous (d) all
 223. Oviparous mammal is
(a) canis (dog) (b) felis (cat)
(c) pteropus (fl ying fox (d) ornithorhyncus (platypus)
 224. Select incorrect matching:
(a) Kangaroo – Macropus
(b) Blue whale – Balaenoptera
(c) Monkey – Macacca
(d) Elephas – Camel
 225. Find out the incorrect matching:
(a) Reptiles – Chelone, Testudo, Chameleon
(b) Aves – Psittacula, Aptenodytes, Neophron
(c) Mammals – Elephas, Rattus, Dolphinus
(d) Amphibian – Naja, bangarus, Calotes
 226. Aquatic mammal is
(a) panthera tigris (b) balaenoptera (c) pteropus (d) macropus

227. Which of the following is a ‘rat’?
(a) felis (b) canis (c) camelus (d) rattus
 228. Which of the following mammal have aerial adaptation?
(a) felis (b) canis (c) bat (d) macropus
 229. Basic fundamental features enabled us to broadlus classify the animal kingdom are
(a) Level of organisation, symmetry
(b) Cell organisation, coelom
(c) Segmentation of notochord
(d) All
 230. Select total number of correct statement from the following:
(1) Coelentrates have tentacles and bear cnidoblasts
(2) Ctenophores are marine animals with comb plates
(3) Annelids are metamerically segmented animals with a true coelom
(4) The Echinoderm posses
(5) Hemichordates are a small group of worm like marine animals characterised by cylindrical
body with proboscis, callar and trunk
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5

231. Most primitive chordates and are ectopariste on fi shes belongs to class
(a) Chondrichthyes (b) Amphibia (c) Cyclostomata (d) Osteichthyes

Answer Keys

 1. (d) 2. (d) 3. (c) 4. (d) 5. (d) 6. (c) 7. (d) 8. (d) 9. (d) 10. (a)
 11. (d) 12. (d) 13. (a) 14. (b) 15. (d) 16. (b) 17. (c) 18. (a) 19. (b) 20. (d)
 21. (d) 22. (d) 23. (b) 24. (b) 25. (b) 26. (c) 27. (d) 28. (c) 29. (a) 30. (a)
 31. (d) 32. (b) 33. (c) 34. (a) 35. (a) 36. (b) 37. (b) 38. (b) 39. (c) 40. (d)
 41. (d) 42. (a) 43. (d) 44. (a) 45. (d) 46. (b) 47. (b) 48. (d) 49. (c) 50. (d)
 51. (c) 52. (c) 53. (d) 54. (d) 55. (b) 56. (a) 57. (c) 58. (c) 59. (c) 60. (b)
 61. (b) 62. (a) 63. (c) 64. (b) 65. (c) 66. (c) 67. (c) 68. (d) 69. (c) 70. (a)
 71. (d) 72. (d) 73. (a) 74. (d) 75. (b) 76. (b) 77. (a) 78. (d) 79. (d) 80. (d)
 81. (c) 82. (d) 83. (b) 84. (c) 85. (b) 86. (b) 87. (d) 88. (d) 89. (c) 90. (d)
 91. (c) 92. (b) 93. (a) 94. (d) 95. (c) 96. (c) 97. (b) 98. (c) 99. (c) 100. (d)
 101. (c) 102. (c) 103. (d) 104. (d) 105. (c) 106. (c) 107. (d) 108. (d) 109. (a) 110. (b)
 111. (d) 112. (d) 113. (c) 114. (b) 115. (c) 116. (d) 117. (c) 118. (a) 119. (d) 120. (d)
 121. (d) 122. (d) 123. (b) 124. (d) 125. (a) 126. (c) 127. (c) 128. (c) 129. (c) 130. (d)
 131. (c) 132. (c) 133. (d) 134. (d) 135. (d) 136. (c) 137. (d) 138. (d) 139. (b) 140. (c)
 141. (d) 142. (a) 143. (d) 144. (d) 145. (c) 146. (a) 147. (b) 148. (c) 149. (d) 150. (d)
 151. (d) 152. (c) 153. (c) 154. (d) 155. (c) 156. (b) 157. (c) 158. (a) 159. (c) 160. (d)
 161. (d) 162. (d) 163. (d) 164. (d) 165. (c) 166. (d) 167. (a) 168. (b) 169. (a) 170. (b)
 171. (a) 172. (d) 173. (b) 174. (d) 175. (b) 176. (c) 177. (b) 178. (c) 179. (c) 180. (d)
 181. (b) 182. (b) 183. (c) 184. (a) 185. (d) 186. (d) 187. (c) 188. (d) 189. (d) 190. (c)
 191. (d) 192. (b) 193. (d) 194. (a) 195. (d) 196. (a) 197. (c) 198. (d) 199. (b) 200. (c)
 201. (b) 202. (d) 203. (d) 204. (d) 205. (c) 206. (d) 207. (d) 208. (d) 209. (d) 210. (b)
 211. (d) 212. (d) 213. (b) 214. (c) 215. (a) 216. (d) 217. (d) 218. (d) 219. (c) 220. (c)
 221. (d) 222. (a) 223. (d) 224. (d) 225. (d) 226. (b) 227. (d) 228. (c) 229. (d) 230. (d)
 231. (c) 232. (b) 233. (b) 234. (b) 235. (b) 236. (b) 237. (c) 238. (d)