(a) roots and stem (b) leaf and fl owers (c) fruit (d) all
2. In majority of dicot, the direct elongation of the radicle leads to the formation of
(a) primary root (b) secondary root (c) tertiary root (d) none
3. The primary root and its branches constitute
(a) fi brous root system (b) tap root system
(c) both (d) none
4. In wheat (monocot)
(a) primary root is short lived
(b) primary root replaced by fi brous roots
(c) fi brous roots arises from the base of stem
(d) all are correct
5. Adventitious roots are found in
(a) grass (b) monestra (c) banyan tree (d) all
6. Adventitious roots arise from part other than
(a) hypocotyl (b) epicotyl (c) plumule (d) radicle
7. Functions of root are
(a) absorption of water and mineral from soil
(b) anchoring of plant in soil
(c) storage of food material and synthesis of plant growth regulator
(d) all
8. What is the number of regions in which a root is divided?
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
9. Root is covered at the apex by a thimble-like structure called
(a) root cap (b) radicle (c) coleorhiza (d) coleoptile
10. Root region are arranged proximal to distal part in following manner
(a) zone of cell elongation‒zone of cell maturation‒zone of cell division
(b) zone of cell division‒zone of cell elongation‒zone of cell maturation
(c) zone of cell maturation‒zone of cell elongation‒zone of cell division
(d) zone of cell maturation‒zone of cell division‒zone of cell elongation
11. Root hairs arise from
(a) zone of cell division (b) zone of cell elongation
(c) one of cell maturation (d) all
12. Find out the incorrect statement:
(a) Root hair absorb water and mineral from the soil
(b) Root increase in length due to region of elongation
(c) Meristematic region have thin walled cell with dense cytoplasm
(d) Root cannot synthesize plant growth regulators
13. Which of the following is an exception for the modifi cation of the tap root?
(a) carrot (b) turnip (c) sweet potato (d) all
14. Prop or pillar roots are found in
(a) carrot (b) sweet potato (c) banyan tree (d) maize
15. Maize and sugarcane contain
(a) storage root (b) still root (c) pneumatophores (d) prop roots
16. Find out incorrect statement:
(a) Sweet potato has root modifi cation for storage of food
(b) Still root arises from lower nodes of the stem
(c) Rizophora posses pneumatophores
(d) Pneumatophores are meant for anaerobic respiration
17. Which of the following is incorrect of stem?
(a) It is developed from plumule of embryo of a germinating seed
(b) It bears nodes and internodes
(c) It bears only terminal bud not axillary bud
(d) Its main function is spreading of branches and bear leaves, fl owers and fruits
18. Functions of stem are
(a) conduct water, mineral and photosynthates
(b) some perform storage food, support and protection
(c) some perform function of vegetative propagation
(d) all
19. Young stems are generally
(a) woody (b) dark brown in color
(c) green and photosynthetic (d) all
20. Underground stem store food in following except
(a) zaminkand (b) colocasia (c) ginger (d) sugarcane
21. Which stem act as organ of perennation?
(a) potato (b) ginger (c) colocasia (d) all
22. Which of the following is a gourd?
(a) cucumber (b) pumpkins (c) watermelon (d) all
23. Which of the following is correct about gourds?
(a) stem tendril develop from apical bud
(b) stem tendril are slender and spirally coiled
(c) stem tendril doesn’t help in climbing
(d) stem tendril develop from radicle
24. Select incorrect matching:
(a) thorn‒citrus, bangainvillae (b) fl attened stem‒opuntia
(c) underground stem‒turmeric (d) stem tendril‒colocasia
25. The lateral branches original from basal and underground portion of the main stem, grow
horizontally beneath the soil and then come out obliquely upward giving rise to leafy shoots
seen in case of
(a) banana (b) pineapple (c) chrysanthemum (d) all
26. A slender lateral branch arises from the base of the main axis and after growing aerially for
sometime arch downward to touch the ground seen in case of
(a) mint (b) jasmine (c) pistia (d) both (a) and (b)
27. A lateral branch with short internodes and each node bearing a rosette of leaves and a tuft of
roots are found in aquatic plants like
(a) pistia (b) eichhornia (c) wolffi a (d) both (a) and (b)
28. Select the correct statement from the following:
A. Fleshy cylindrical stem in Euphorbia carry out photosynthesis.
B. Pistia and Eichhornia are example of off set.
C. Underground stem of grass and strawberry spread to new niche and when older part die
new plants are formed.
D. Thorns are woody, straight and pointed.
(a) A and B only (b) B and D only (c) B and C only (d) All
29. Most important vegetative organ for photosynthesis is
(a) stem (b) leaf (c) root (d) all
30. Which of the following is correct about leaf?
(a) It has originated from root apical meristem
(b) It is arranged in basipetal order
(c) It arises from axillary bud
(d) It bears a bud in its axil
31. Which of the following is incorrect about leaf?
(a) It is arranged in acropetal order (b) It develops from node
(c) It is generally fl attened in shape (d) It is arranged in basipetal order
32. Typical leaf consist of
(a) petiole (b) leaf base (c) lamina (d) all
33. The leaf is attached to the stem by the leaf base and may bear two lateral small leaf like struc-
ture called
(a) leafl et (b) lamina (c) stipule (d) leaf blade
34. Select the correct statement from the following:
A. In monocot leaf base expand into a sheath covering the stem partially or wholly
B. In all leguminous plants the leaf base may become swollen, which is called the pulvinus
C. The lamina or leaf blade is the green expanded part of the leaf with veins and veinlets
D. Veins provide rigidity to leaf blade
(a) A and B only (b) C and D only (c) All except B (d) All except D
35. Leaf can be diff erentiated by
(a) shape (b) margin and apex (c) surface (d) all
36. Long thin _________ petiole allow leaf blade to fl utter in wind, thereby cooling of the leaf and
bringing _________ air to leaf surfaces.
(a) hard, fresh (b) fl exible, fresh (c) hard, fresh (d) rigid, fresh
37. The arrangement of arteries and arterioles in the lamina of leaf is termed as
(a) venation (b) phyllotaxy (c) infl orescence (d) none
38. Which of the following is correct about venation?
A. Parallel venation generally found in monocot
B. Parallel venation generally found in dicot
C. Reticulate venation generally found in monocot
D. Reticulate venation generally found in dicot
(a) A and D only (b) B and C only (c) B and D only (d) A and C only
39. Bud is present in axil
(a) simple leaf (b) compound leaf (c) leafl et (d) both (a) and (b)
40. Pinnately compound leaf found in
(a) lemon (b) bombax (c) desmodium (d) neem
41. Palmately compound leaf found in
(a) neem (b) rose (c) silk cotton (d) mimosa pudica
42. Find out correct matching:
A. Palmately compound levaes – Leaf let attached to common axis rachis
B. Phyllotaxy – Pattern of arrangement of leaves on stemor branch
C. Pinnately compound leaves – Leafl et attached to a common point i.e. at the tip of petiole
D. Venation – Arrangement of veins and veinlets in the lamina of leaf
(a) A and B only (b) B and C only (c) C and D only (d) B and D only
43. Phyllotaxy usually of three types, namely,
(a) alternate (b) whorled (c) opposity (d) all
44. Select correct matching:
Column I Column II Column II
A. Alternate X. Single leaf arises at each node 1. China rose, mustard, sunfl ower
B. Whorled Y. More than 2 leaf arises at node 2. Alstomia
C. Opposite Z. Pair of leaf arises at node 3. Calotropis and guava
(a) A–X–1, B–Y–2, C–Z–3 (b) A–Y–3, B–Z–2, C–X–1
(c) A–Y–3, B–Z–1, C–Y–2 (d) A–Z–3, B–Y–2, C–X–1
45. Following posses alternate pyllotaxy except
(a) mustard (b) china rose (c) sunfl ower (d) calotropis
46. In which plant the leaves are small and short-lived. The petiole in these plant expand, become
green and synthesize food, such petiole is known as phyllode?
(a) sweat peat (b) clematis (c) Australian acacia (d) eichhornia
47. Select incorrect matching:
(a) leaf into tendril‒pea (b) leaf into spine‒cacti
(c) fl eshy leaf‒onion and garlic (d) whorled phyllotoxy‒Calotropis
48. Following pair represent insectivorous plant
(a) pitcher plant, australian acacia
(b) venus fl y trap, calotropis
(c) pitcher plant, venus fl y trap
(d) silk cotton, neem
49. In pitcher plant, pitcher is modifi ed
(a) root (b) stem (c) leaf (d) fl ower
50. In fl oral meristem
(a) internode do not elongate
(b) axis get condensed
(c) the apex produced diff erent kinds of fl oral appendages laterally at successive nodes instead
of leaves
(d) all
51. The arrangement of fl owers on the fl oral axis is termed as
(a) phyllotaxy (b) aestivation (c) infl orescence (d) placenation
52. In cymose type of infl orescence
A. Main axis terminates into fl ower.
B. Flower born in basipetal order.
C. Main axis not terminates into fl ower.
D. Flower born in acropetal order.
(a) A and B only (b) C and D only (c) A and C only (d) B and C only
53. In racemose-type of infl orescence,
A. Main axis terminates into fl ower.
B. Flower born in basipetal order.
C. Main axis not terminates into fl ower.
D. Flower born in acropetal order.
(a) A and B only (b) C and D only (c) A and C only (d) B and C only
54. Which of the following is correct about fl ower?
A. Reproductive unit in angiosperm
B. Calyx and corolla are reproductive organ
C. Typical fl ower has four kinds of whorls
D. Whorls arranged successively on thalamus or receptacle
(a) All except C (b) All except D (c) All except B (d) All except A
55. Select incorrect matching:
A. Actinomorphic – When fl ower can be divided into two equal radial halves in any radial
plane passing through the centre
B. Zygomorphic – When fl ower can be divided into two similar halves only in one
particular vertical plane
C. Assymmetric – When fl ower cannot be divided into two similar halves by any vertical
plane passing through centre.
D. All are correct
56. Assymetric fl ower is found in
(a) pea (b) dhatura (c) bean (d) canna
57. How many of following contain zygomorphic fl ower?
Pea, Gulmohar, bean, Cassia, Mustard, Dhatura, Chilli, Sesbania, lupin, Muliathi
(a) 6 (b) 7 (c) 4 (d) 8
58. Reduced leaf found at base of the pedical is known as
(a) leafl et (b) stipule (c) bract (d) calyx
59. Based on the position of calyx, corolla and androecium in respect of the ovary on thalamus,
the fl ower is of how many types
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
60. Select the correct matching:
Column I Column II Column III
1. Hypogynous A. Gynoecium occupy highest position X. Mustard, Brinjal, China rose
2. Epigynous B. Gynoecium situated in the centre Y. Plum, peach, rose
3. Perigynous C. Margin of thalamus grows upward
enclosing ovary completely
Z. Guava, cucumber, ray fl orets
of sunfl ower
(a) 1‒A‒X, 2‒B‒Y, 3‒C‒Z (b) 1‒A‒X, 2‒C‒Z, 3‒B‒Y
(c) 1‒B‒Y, 2‒A‒X, 3‒C‒Z (d) 1‒A‒X, 2‒B‒Z, 3‒C‒Y
61. Which fl ower posses superior ovary?
(a) Mustard (b) China rose (c) Brinjal (d) All
62. Select correct matching:
(a) gamosepalous‒sepal united (b) polysepalous‒sepals free
(c) gamopetalous‒petals united (d) all
63. Shape of corolla may be
(a) tubular (b) funnel-shaped (c) bell-shaped (d) all
64. The mode of arrangement of sepals or petals in fl oral bud with respect is the other members
of the same whorl are known as
(a) phyllotaxy (b) infl orescence (c) aestivation (d) hibernation
65. Sepals or petals in a whorl just touch one another at the margin, without overlapping is found in
(a) china rose (b) pea (c) cassia (d) calotropis
66. Twisted aestivation found in all except
(a) cotton (b) china rose (c) lady’s fi nger (d) gulmohar
67. If the margins or sepals or petals overlap one another but not in any particular direction is
known as _________ aestivation
(a) vexillary (b) twisted (c) imbricate (d) valvate
68. Which is false for vexillary or papilionaceous aestivation?
(a) Two smallest anterior petals are known as keel
(b) Two lateral petals are known as wing
(c) The largest standard petal is posterior
(d) The largest standard petal is anterior and overlapps wing
69. Select the correct matching:
Aestivation – Example
(a) Valvate – Cassia
(b) Twisted – China rose, ladyfi nger, calotropis
(c) Imbricate – Cassia and Gulmohar
(d) Vexillary – Pea, bean, Aloe, Tulip
70. Stamen consist of
(a) stalk or fi lament (b) stigma (c) anther (d) both (a) and (c)
71. Anther usually posses
(a) one sac (b) two sacs (c) three sacs (d) four sacs
72. A sterile stamen is called
(a) monoadelphous (b) epipetalous (c) epiphyllous (d) staminode
73. Epiphyllous stamens are found in
(a) sunhemp (b) ashwagandha (c) mustard (d) lily
74. Epipetalous stamens are found in
(a) Trifolium (b) Brinjal (c) Asparagus (d) Indigofera
75. The stamens are united into one bunch (Monoadelphous) condition is found in
(a) pea (b) citrus (c) arhar (d) china rose
76. Diadelphous condition is found
(a) citrus (b) pea (c) china rose (d) tomato
77. A carpet consists of
(a) stigma
(b) ovary
(c) style
(d) all
78. Which of the following is incorrect about carpet?
(a) ovary is enlarged basal portion
(b) stigma is usually at tip of style
(c) style is elongated tube over ovary
(d) style is the receptive surface for pollen grains
79. Apocarpous condition is found in
(a) Mustard (b) Tomato (c) Lotus (d) All
80. Syncarpous condition is found in
(a) Mustard (b) Lotus (c) Rose (d) All
81. After fertilization
(a) ovule develop into seed (b) ovary matures to fruit
(c) ovary wall changes to fruit wall (d) all
82. Arrangement of ovules within the ovary is known as
(a) placentation (b) aestivation (c) fragmentation (d) hibernation
83. Match the column:
Column I – Column II
A. Marginal – 1. Pea
B. Parietal – 2. Mustard and Argemone
C. Axile – 3. Dianthus and Primrose
D. Central and free central – 4. Rose, tomato, lemon
E. Basal – 5. Sunfl ower and marigold
(a) A‒1, B‒2, C‒4, D‒3, E‒5 (b) A‒2, B‒1, C‒3, D‒4, E‒5
(c) A‒4, B‒1, C‒3, D‒5, E‒4 (d) A‒5, B‒2, C‒4, D‒2, E‒3
84. Ovary is one-chambered but it becomes two chambered due to formation of false septum is
found in
(a) argemone and mustard (b) dianthus and primrose
(c) rose and tomato (d) pea
85. A placentation in which ovule are born on central axis and septa are absent, is found in
(a) argemone and mustard (b) dianthus and primrose
(c) rose and tomato (d) pea
86. A placentation, in which placenta develops at the base of ovary and a single ovule is attached,
is found in
(a) argemone and mustard (b) dianthus and primrose
(c) rose and tomato (d) pea
87. Fruit is
(a) the resultant ripened ovary (b) formed generally after fertilization
(c) a characteristic feature of fl owing plant (d) all
88. What is the name of the pericarp when it is thick and fl eshy?
(a) Epicarp (b) Mesocarp (c) Endocarp (d) All
89. In which fruit mesocarp is fi brous?
(a) Mango (b) Coconut (c) Both (d) None
90. Which is the edible part in mango?
(a) Thin epicarp (b) Fleshy mesocarp
(c) Stony hard endocarp (d) All
91. In coconut and mango, the fruit is known as
(a) ugume (b) pod (c) drupe (d) samara
92. If fruit is develop without fertilization of the ovary, it is called
(a) pathenocarpic fruit (b) apomictic fruit
(c) fl eshly fruit (d) polyembryomic fruit
93. Mango is develop from
(a) monocarpellary inferior ovary (b) monocarpellary superior ovary
(c) multicarpellary inferior ovary (d) multicarpllary superior ovary
94. Seed is made up of
(a) seed coat (b) embryo (c) both (d) none
95. Embryo is made up of
(a) a radicle (b) embryonal axis
(c) one or two cotyledons (d) all
96. Following are monocots except
(a) wheat (b) maize (c) sugar cane (d) gram
97. Following are dicot except
(a) bean (b) gram (c) pea (d) maize
98. Which of the following is correct about dicot seed?
A Micropyle is present above the hilum.
B. At the ends of embryonal axis radicle and plumule is present.
C. Seed coat has 3 layers.
D. Cotyledons are generally without food reserve.
(a) A and B only (b) B and C only (c) C and D only (d) A and D only
99. Following are the non-endospermic seed except
(a) bean (b) gram (c) pea (d) castor
100. Which layer is called aleurone layer?
(a) Protein (b) Carbohydrate (c) Lipid (d) All
101. The plumule and radical in monocot seed are enclosed in seaths which are called _________
and _________ respectively.
(a) coleoptile and scutellum (b) scutellum and coleorhiza
(c) coleoptile and coleorhiza (d) coleorhiza and Coleoptile
102. Select the incorrect statement among the following:
A. Monocot seeds are generally endospermic.
B. In maize seed coat is membranous and generally fused with fruit wall.
C. In monocot seed single large shield shape cotyledon is known as scutellum.
D. In orchids seeds are non-endospermic.
(a) A and B only (b) C only (c) D only (d) None
103. Which family is known as the ‘potato’ family?
(a) Fabaceae (b) Solanaceae
(c) Liliacae (d) Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)
105. Stem of fabaceae are
(a) Erect or climber
(b) Herbaceous rarely woody, arieal; erect, cylindrical, branched solid
(c) Herbaceous with underground bulb/corms/rhizomes
(d) All
106. Find out from the following total number of plants with stipulate leaves.
Gram, Arhar, Moong, Sesbania, Lupin, Muliathi, Soyabean, Tomato, Brinjal, Belladona,
Petunia, Tobacco, Tulip, Aloe, Colchicine, Asparagus, Chilli, Ground nuts, Ingidofera,
(a) 7 (b) 10 (c) 15 (d) 20
107. Select the incorrect pair:
(a) Indigofera ‒ Sepals fi ve (Gamosepalous), corolla (Vexillary aestivation)
(b) Brinjal ‒ Sepals fi ve united (persistant, valvate aestivation) Petals fi ve united
(valvate aestivation)
(c) Asparagus ‒ Sepals three often united into tube (valvate aestivation)
(d) Colchicine ‒ Perianth present tepals six (valvate aestivation)
108. Select from the following total no of plant showing tricarpellary gynoceium.
Gram, Arhar, Moong, Sesbania, Lupin, Muliathi, Soyabean, Tomato, Brinjal, Belladona,
Petunia, Tobacco, Tulip, Aloe, Colchicine, Asparagus, Chilli, Ground nuts, Ingidofera,
(a) 7 (b) 10 (c) 4 (d) 6
109. Select from the fl owing, total number of plant having epipetalous stamens.
Gram, Arhar, Moong, Sesbania, Lupin, Muliathi, Soyabean, Tomato, Brinjal, Belladona,
Petunia, Tobacco, Tulip, Aloe, Colchicine, Asparagus, Chilli, Ground nuts, Ingidofera,
(a) 7 (b) 6 (c) 8 (d) 10
110. Fruit of ciliaceae is mainly
(a) Drupe (b) Ovary (c) Legume (d) Capsule
111. Which is correct for the gynoceium of ciliaceae?
(a) Tricarpellary, syncarpous, superior ovary, trilocular with many ovule, axile placenation
(b) Bicarpellary, syncarpous, superior ovary, bilocular, swollen placenta with many ovule
(c) Superior ovary, monocarpellary, unilocular with many ovules
(d) Tricarpellary, inferior ovary, sycarpous, trilocular with many ovules, axile placentation
112. Select from the following the total number of plant showing axile placentation.
Dianthus, primrose, china rose, tomato, lemon, tulip, aloe, asparagus, cholchicine, trifo-
lium, lupin, arhar
(a) 6 (b) 7 (c) 8 (d) 9
113. Select the incorrect matching:
(a) Ornamental ‒ Tulip, gloriosa, lupin, sweet pea, petunia
(b) Medicine ‒ Muliathi, belladonna, aloe
(c) Fodder ‒ Sesbania, trifolium
(d) Edible oil ‒ Soyabean, groundnut, colchicine
114. Select from the following total number of plant having non-endospermic seed.
Gram, Arhar, Moong, Sesbania, Lupin, Muliathi, Soyabean, Tomato, Brinjal, Belladona,
Petunia, Tobacco, Tulip, Aloe, Colchicine, Asparagus, Chilli, Ground nuts, Ingidofera,
(a) 10 (b) 15 (c) 20 (d) 6
115. Diadelphous condition seen in all except
(a) Soyabean (b) Lupin (c) Brassica rapa (d) China rose
116. Infl orescence in makoi is
(a) Racemose (b) Cymose (c) Catkin (d) None
117. Zygomorphic fl ower is found in
(a) Aloe (b) Potato (c) Sesbania (d) Ashwagandha
118. Botanical name of onion is
(a) Allium sativum (b) Solanum melogena
(c) Allium cepa (d) Brassica rapa
119. Which of the following is correct about chilli?
(a) Gamosepalous (C), gamopetalous (K), epipatelous, stamen, superior ovary
(b) Gamosepalous (C), Stamen fi ve, ovary superior
(c) Gamosepalous (C), Polypetalous (K), diadelphous (A), Superior ovary
(d) Poly seplous (C), gamopetalous (K), epipetalous stamen, superior ovary
120. ‘Lily’ family stands for
(a) Solanaceae (b) Liliaceae (c) Fabeaeae (d) Brassicaeae
121. Select correct matching:
(a) Vegetable‒Colchicine (b) Medicine‒Tulip
(c) Ornamental‒Asparagus (d) Medicine‒Belladonna, ashwagandha
122. Floral formula of Brassicaceae is
(a) ⊕ + K2‒2C4
A2+4 G(2) (b) ⊕ + K2+2C4
(c) ⊕ + K2+(2)C4
A2‒4G(2) (d) ⊕ + K2+2C(4)A2+4G2
123. Select dye from the following:
(a) Sesbania (b) Sunhemp (c) Lupin (d) Indigofera
124. Monocarpellary condition is found in
(a) Groundnut (b) Petunia (c) Lily (d) Allium cepa
126. Which of the following is a source of medicine?
(a) Petunia (b) Asparagus (c) Gloriosa (d) Aloe
129. Select incorrect statement for liliaceae from following:
(a) Bisexual, zygomorphic fl ower
(b) Bisexual, actinomorphic fl ower
(c) Leaves are mostly basal, exstipulate with parallel venation
(d) Tepal shows valvate aestivation
130. Tomato, Brinjal and potato belongs to the family called
(a) Brassicaeae (b) Solanaceae (c) Liliaceae (d) Fabaceae
131. Botanical name of makoi is
(a) Solanum tuberosum (b) Solanum melongena
(c) Solanum lycopersicum (d) Solanum nigrum
Answer Keys -
1. (d) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (d) 5. (d) 6. (d) 7. (d) 8. (c) 9. (a) 10. (c)
11. (c) 12. (d) 13. (c) 14. (c) 15. (b) 16. (d) 17. (c) 18. (d) 19. (c) 20. (d)
21. (d) 22. (d) 23. (b) 24. (d) 25. (d) 26. (d) 27. (d) 28. (d) 29. (b) 30. (d)
31. (d) 32. (d) 33. (c) 34. (c) 35. (d) 36. (b) 37. (d) 38. (a) 39. (d) 40. (d)
41. (c) 42. (d) 43. (d) 44. (b) 45. (d) 46. (c) 47. (d) 48. (c) 49. (c) 50. (d)
51. (c) 52. (a) 53. (b) 54. (c) 55. (d) 56. (d) 57. (b) 58. (c) 59. (c) 60. (b)
61. (d) 62. (d) 63. (d) 64. (c) 65. (d) 66. (d) 67. (c) 68. (d) 69. (c) 70. (d)
71. (d) 72. (d) 73. (d) 74. (b) 75. (d) 76. (b) 77. (d) 78. (d) 79. (c) 80. (a)
81. (d) 82. (a) 83. (a) 84. (a) 85. (b) 86. (d) 87. (d) 88. (d) 89. (b) 90. (b)
91. (c) 92. (a) 93. (b) 94. (c) 95. (d) 96. (d) 97. (d) 98. (a) 99. (d) 100. (a)
101. (c) 102. (d) 103. (b) 104. (d) 105. (a) 106. (a) 107. (c) 108. (c) 109. (b) 110. (d)
111. (a) 112. (b) 113. (d) 114. (a) 115. (d) 116. (b) 117. (c) 118. (c) 119. (a) 120. (b)
121. (d) 122. (b) 123. (d) 124. (a) 125. (a) 126. (d) 127. (b) 128. (a) 129. (a) 130. (b)
131. (d)