1. In flavouring plant, we need to transport
(a) water and mineral nutrients (b) organic nutrients
(c) plant growth regulators (d) all
 2. For covering a small distance, substances move by
(a) diff usion (b) cytoplasmic streaming
(c) active transport (d) all
 3. Transport over longer distance is known as
(a) translocation (b) transformation (c) transduction (d) diff usion
 4. Which of the following undergo multidirectional transport?
(a) Water (b) Mineral nutrients
(c) Organic nutrients (d) Both (b) and (c)
 5. Transport of which substance is essentially unidirectional in xylem?
(a) Water (b) Mineral nutrients
(c) Organic nutrients (d) Both (a) and (b)
 6. Select the correct statement from the following:
(a) Mineral nutrients takenup by the roots and transported upward into stem, leaves and 
growing region
(b) When a plant part undergoes senescence, nutrient always remain in the senescence part 
and gets lost from the plant
(c) In fl owering plant complex traffi c of compound in unorderly manner moving in diff erent 
(d) All hormones shows polarised movement
 7. Diff usion can occur between
(a) one part of cell to other part (b) cell to cell
(c) intercellular space to outside of leaf (d) all
 8. Only mode of gaseous movement in plant body is
(a) diff usion (b) osmosis
(c) facilitated transport (d) all
 9. Which of the following is incorrect about diff usion?
(1) Molecules move in random fashion.
(2) It occurs from higher to lower concentration.
(3) It is a slow process.
(4) It does not depend on living system.
(5) Protein carriers our required.
(6) It is a passive process.
(a) Only 1 and 5 (b) Only 5 (c) 1, 3, 5 only (d) Only 4
 10. Diff usion rate is aff ected by
(a) Concentration gradient
(b) Membrane permeability through which it occur
(c) Pressure and temperature
(d) All
 11. Find out total number of false statements from the following.
(1) The diff usion rate depends on size of substrate.
(2) Diff usion across membrane depends upon solubility a lipids.
(3) Membrane protein provide sits for hydrophilic substance to cross membrane.
(4) Facilitated diff usion do not require concentration gradient.
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
 12. Facilitated diff usion require _________ to transport substance across membrane.
(a) Special membrane protein (b) ATP
(c) Protein inhibitor (d) All
 13. Which process undergo saturation?
(a) Facilitated diff usion (b) Active transport
(c) Simple diff usion (d) Both (a) and (b)
 14. Which of the following transport is not highly selective?
(a) Facilitated diff usion (b) Active transport
(c) Simple diff usion (d) All

16. Where poring proteins are present?
(a) Outer membrane of plastid (b) Inner membrane of mitochondria
(c) Inner membrane of some bacteria (d) Outer membrane of ribosomes
 17. Choose total number of correct statements from the following:
(1) Some channels in membrane are always open.
(2) Porins allow passes of molecule of size up to small protein.
(3) Water channel made up of eight diff erent type of aquaporins.
(4) Facilitated diff usion is very specifi c.
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
 18. Some transport proteins allow diff usion only. If two type of molecules move together in same
direction. Such type of transport is known as
(a) symport (b) antiport (c) uniport (d) all
 19. If two move together in opposite direction. If two type of molecules move together in opposite
direction. Such type of transport is known as
(a) symport (b) antiport (c) uniport (d) all
 20. When molecule move across in a membrane independent of other molecules through carrier
protein the process is known as
(a) symport (b) antiport (c) uniport (d) all
 21. A transport which uses energy to pump molecules against a concentration gradient is known as
(a) diff usion (b) facilitated diff usion
(c) active transport (d) all
 22. Proteins in the membrane, responsible for facilitated diff usion and active transport, show some
common characteristic like.
(1) being highly selective. (2) being liable to saturate.
(3) responding to inhibitor. (4) being regulated by hormones.
(a) 1, 2 only (b) 2, 3 only (c) 3, 4 only (d) all

25. Select the incorrect statement from the following:
(1) A watermelon has over 92% water.
(2) Most herbaceous plants have only about 10–15% of its fresh water as dry matter.
(3) Woody parts of the plant have very little water.
(4) Seed is without water.
(5) Mature corn plant absorb almost three litres of water in a day.
(6) Mustered plant absorb water epical to its own weight in about 5 hours.
(a) All except 6 (b) All except 5 (c) Only 4 (d) Only 3
 26. Water is often a limitary factor for plant growth and _________ in both _________ and
_________ environments.
(a) productivity, agricultural, natural
(b) movement, agricultural, artifi cial
(c) photosynthesis, aquatic, terrestrial
(d) senescence, agricultural, natural
 27. Major similarity between active transport and facilitated diff usion is that
(a) both consume ATP
(b) both are passive
(c) both are non-selective
(d) both require membrane proteins
 28. A watermelon has approximately _________ of water.
(a) 20% (b) 80% (c) 100% (d) 92%
 29. Which of the following has minimum amount of water?
(a) Leaf (b) Flower
(c) Epidermal cell of root (d) Cork
 30. Select from the following which one is move by active transport
(1) Na+
 amino acid, in proximal convoluted tubules.
(2) Absorption of most minerals by epidermal cells of root.
(3) Na+
(4) Loading of sucrose from Capanion cell to sieve tube cells.
(a) All except 4 (b) All except 3 (c) All except 1 (d) All
 31. Two main components which determine water potential are
(a) solute potential (b) pressure potential
(c) matric potential (d) both (a) and (b)
 32. Which of the following has the maximum water potential?
(a) 1 M of NaCl (b) 0.5 M of glucose (c) Pure water (d) 0.001 M of HCl

34. What is the condition for pure water having zero water potential?
(a) Standard temperature (b) No pressure
(c) At 1 atm pressure (d) Only (a) and (b)
 35. Which is always negative (under natural condition)?
(1) ψs
 (2) ψw of solution (3) ψp
 (4) ψp
 of solution
(a) 1, 2 only (b) 1 only (c) 4 only (d) 3 only
 36. The relationship between ψw, ψs
 and ψp
(a) ψs = ψw + ψp
 (b) ψp = ψw + ψs
 (c) ψw = ψp + ψs
 (d) All
 37. Which is important to determine that which is going in or out of plant cell?
(a) Cell membrane only (b) Tonoplast only
(c) Both together (d) Cell wall only
 38. Cell wall is
(a) permeable (b) impermeable
(c) semi-permeable (d) selectively permeable
 39. Osmosis means diff usion of water across
(a) semi-permeable membrane (b) diff erentially permeable membrane
(c) permeable membrane (d) both (a) and (b)
 40. Water will move from
(a) higher pressure potential to lower (b) higher solute potential to lower
(c) higher water potential to lower (d) lower water potential to higher

42. How we can get egg membrane?
(a) Remove yolk and albumin through a small hole at one end of the egg
(b) Place the shell in dilute HCl for few hours
(c) Both
(d) None

44. Select the correct statement from the following:
(a) Osmotic pressure is the negative pressure applied
(b) Osmotic potential is positive
(c) More is the solute concentration of solution, more will be the pressure required to prevent
water from diff using in
(d) The net direction and rate of osmosis not depend on the pressure gradient nor on
concentration gradient
 45. Which portion of root absorbs both water and minerals?
(a) Terminal portion of roots (b) Zone of cell elongation
(c) Zone of cell formation (d) Zone of cell diff erentiation
 46. Meaningful girdling (ringing) experiments cannot be done on sugarcane because
(a) phloem is present inside the xylem (b) it cannot tolerate the injury
(c) vascular bundles are scattered (d) plants are very delicate
 47. Some leaves are removed from the stem cuttings planted for vegetative propagation. This is done
(a) to increase water uptake (b) because it helps in rooting of cuttings
(c) to reduce water loss (d) because the cuttings need less food
 48. In terms of permeability, the cell wall and plasmalemma are
(a) permeable and diff erentially permeable respectively
(b) both semi permeable
(c) semi permeable and diff erentially permeable
(d) both diff erentially permeable
 49. The process of osmosis involves
(a) movement of solute through semi permeable membrane
(b) movement of solvent through a semi permeable membrane
(c) movement of solution through a semi permeable membrane
(d) none
 50. Dry seeds when placed in water swells due to
(a) imbibitions (b) absorption (c) diff usion (d) adsorption
 51. A cell placed in strong solution will shrink because
(a) cytoplasm will decompose (b) mineral salt will break the cell wall
(c) salt water enter the cell (d) water comes out by exosmosis
 52. A cell increases in volume if the external medium is
(a) hypotonic (b) hypertonic (c) isotonic (d) none
 53. All the following involves osmosis except
(a) water from soil entering a root hair
(b) water passing from root hair to adjacent cells
(c) water passing up a xylem vessel element to xylem vessel element above it
(d) water entering a mesophyll cell from xylem vessel element
 54. A cell is plasmolysed after being kept in a hypertonic solution. What will be present between
cell wall and plasmalemma?
(a) Isotonic solution (b) Hypertonic solution
(c) Air (d) Hypotonic solution
 55. Wilting of a plant results from excessive
(a) respiration (b) photosynthesis
(c) absorption (d) transpiration
 56. Moves across a selectively permeable membrane:
From To
(a) Region of higher water-potential Region of lower water potential
(b) Lower water concentration Higher water concentration
(c) Higher solute concentration Lower solute concentration
(d) Region of higher osmotic potential Region of lower osmotic potential
 57. In seed germination, the fi rst phenomenon which takes place is called
(a) diff usion (b) osmosis (c) imbibitions (d) all
 58. Deplasmolysis occurs in a cell when it is placed in
(a) hypotonic solution (b) hypertonic solution
(c) isotonic solution (d) buff er solution
 59. Grapes immersed in water would shrink if
(a) water contains salts (b) water contains starch
(c) water is cold (d) water is hot
 60. Plant cells submerged in distilled water will become
(a) turgid (b) fl accid (c) plasmolysed (d) impermeable
 61. The plants face with due to the use of excessive fertilizers because of
(a) exosmosis (b) endosmosis (c) imbibitions (d) none

62. You are given three cells—a root hair, a cell of the inner cortical layer and a cell of the
mesophyll. Arrange them in the ascending order of DPD.
(a) Root hair < Cortical cell < Mesophyll (b) Cortical cell < Mesophyll < Root hair
(c) Mesophyll < Root hair < Cortical cell (d) Root hair < Mesophyll < Cortical cell
 63. What will be the direction of movement of water, when solution A having water potential of 9
bars and another solution B of 4 bars is separated by a semi permiable membrane?
(a) B to A (b) A to B
(c) Both directions (d) None
 64. If the external solution is more dilute than cytoplasm, the external solution is said to be
(a) hypotonic (b) hypertonic (c) isotonic (d) isothermal
 65. During plasmolysis
(a) cell membrane of a plant cell shrinks away from its cell wall
(b) water fi rst lost from the cytoplasm and then from the vacuoles
(c) area between cell wall and shrunken protoplast is occupied by outer solution
(d) all
 66. When plant cell is put in hypotonic solution
(a) cell wells up (b) cell undergo plasmolysis
(c) cell wall shrinks (d) cell will burst
 67. The pressure exerted by the protoplast due to the entry of water against the rigid cell wall is called
(a) osmotic potential (b) pressure potential
(c) water potential (d) matrix potential
 68. Imbibition is
(a) special type of diff usion (b) osmosis
(c) facilitated diff usion (d) active transport
 69. Imbibition is characterized by
(a) increase in volume (b) release of energy
(c) increase in pressure (d) all
 70. Best example of imbibitions is
(a) absorption of water by seed (b) absorption of water by dry wood
(c) both (d) none
 71. Which of the following is correct about imbibitions?
(a) It require ψω gradient between the absorbent and the liquid imbibed
(b) It require affi nity between the absorbent and the liquid
(c) Imbibition pressure is produced by the swelling of wood and in turn used by prehistonic
man to split rocks and boulders
(d) All
 72. The path of the movement of water is demonstrated by using
(a) solution containing pure water (b) solution of water and mineral
(c) dye (colour) dissolve in water (d) all
 73. Simple long distance transport cannot be achieved by
(a) diff usion (b) facilitated diff usion
(c) active transport (d) all
 74. Water, mineral, and food are generally moved by over large distance by
(a) simple diff usion (b) facilitated diff usion
(c) active transport (d) bulk flow or mass flow

76. Bulk fl ow can be achieved by
(a) positive hydrostatic pressure gradient
(b) negative hydrostatic pressure gradient (suction)
(c) both
(d) none
 77. Xylem is associated with the translocation of
(a) water (b) mineral
(c) some organic nitrogen and hormone (d) all
 78. Which of the following is incorrect about apoplastic pathway?
(a) Movement of water takes place through intercellular spaces and the walls of cells
(b) Movement depend on gradient
(c) Mass fl ow occur due to adhesive and cohesive property of water
(d) This pathway provide bonier to water movement
 79. During symplastic pathway water moved through
(a) cytoplasm (b) plasmodesmata (c) cell membrane (d) all
 80. Which of the following is incorrect about symplastic pathway?
(a) Movement of water is relatively slower
(b) Movement is down the concentration gradient
(c) It may be aided by cytoplasmic streaming
(d) Most of water fl ow in root occur by this pathway
 81. Cytoplasmic streaming is easily seen in
(a) leaf of hydrilla (b) leaf of mango
(c) stem cells of sunfl ower (d) pollen grains
 82. Movement of water is correctly represented by
(a) Cortex → Root hair (Epidermis) → Xylem → Endodermis → Pericycle
(b) Root hair (Epidermis) → Endodermis → Xylem → Pericycle → Cortex
(c) Root hair (Epidermis) → Cortex → Endodermis → Pericycle → Xylem
(d) Xylem → Cortex → Endodermis → Pericycle → Root hair (Epidermis)
 83. Where is apoplastic movement shifted to symplastic pathway?
(a) Cortex (b) Endodermis (c) Pericycle (d) Xylem

84. Which of the following is true about mycorrhizae?
(a) Association between roots and fungus
(b) Fungal hyphae have very large surface area that absorb water and mineral from the soil
(c) Roots provide sugar and N-containing compound to the fungus
(d) All
 85. Which plant seeds cannot be germinated and established without the presence of mycorrhizae?
(a) Mango (b) Pulses (c) Pinus (d) Selaginella
 86. Root pressure develops due to
(a) Passive absorption of ions (b) Active absorption of ions
(c) Active absorption of glucose (d) None
 87. Eff ect of root pressure is visible
(a) at night (b) at early morning
(c) when evaporation is low (d) all
 88. Guttation seen in
(a) vein opening near tip of grass blade (b) leaves of many herbaceous plant
(c) both (a) and (b) (d) leaves of trees
 89. Root pressure contributes to the
(a) ascent of sap in small herbaceous plants
(b) re-establishment of continuous chains of water molecules in the xylem which often breaks
down under the enormous tension created by transpiration
(c) guttation
(d) all
 90. What is the approximate rate of the ascent of sap?
(a) 5 m/hr (b) 15 m/hr (c) 40 m/hr (d) 2 m/hr
 91. How much % of water is used for photosynthesis?
(a) 1% (b) 2% (c) 3% (d) 4%
 92. Stomata helps in
(a) transpiration (b) exchanges of gases
(c) both (d) none
 93. Transpiration is aff ected by
(a) humidity (b) wind speed
(c) light and temperature (d) all
 94. Plant factor which aff ects transpiration are
(a) number and distribution of stomata (b) number of stomata open
(c) water status of plant (d) all
 95. Transpiration driven ascent of sap depends mainly on the _________ physical properties of
(a) Cohesion (b) Adhesion (c) Surface tension (d) All
 96. Properties of water which provide high tensile strength (i.e. ability to resist in thin tubes) are
(a) cohesion (b) adhesion (c) surface tension (d) all
 97. Force generated by transpiration creates pressure suffi cient to lift a xylem-sized column of
water over _________ meters.
(a) 130 (b) 200 (c) 400 (d) 500
 98. Sap ascends in woody stems because of root pressure and
(a) transpiration pull (b) capillarity
(c) molecular adhesion (d) photosynthesis

Answer Keys -

 1. (d) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (d) 5. (d) 6. (a) 7. (d) 8. (a) 9. (b) 10. (d)
 11. (a) 12. (a) 13. (c) 14. (c) 15. (b) 16. (a) 17. (d) 18. (a) 19. (b) 20. (c)
 21. (c) 22. (d) 23. (c) 24. (c) 25. (c) 26. (a) 27. (d) 28. (d) 29. (d) 30. (d)
 31. (d) 32. (c) 33. (b) 34. (d) 35. (a) 36. (c) 37. (c) 38. (a) 39. (a) 40. (c)
 41. (b), (a), (d) 42. (c) 43. (b) 44. (c) 45. (d) 46. (c) 47. (c) 48. (a) 49. (b)
 50. (a) 51. (d) 52. (a) 53. (c) 54. (b) 55. (d) 56. (a) 57. (c) 58. (a) 59. (a)
 60. (a) 61. (a) 62. (a) 63. (a) 64. (a) 65. (d) 66. (a) 67. (b) 68. (a) 69. (d)
 70. (c) 71. (d) 72. (c) 73. (d) 74. (d) 75. (d) 76. (c) 77. (d) 78. (d) 79. (d)
 80. (d) 81. (a) 82. (c) 83. (b) 84. (d) 85. (c) 86. (b) 87. (d) 88. (c) 89. (d)
 90. (b) 91. (a) 92. (c) 93. (d) 94. (d) 95. (d) 96. (d) 97. (a) 98. (a)