(a) physical process (b) chemical process
(c) physico–chemical process (d) physiological process
2. All living forms on earth depend on _________ for energy.
(a) sun (b) hydrothermal vent
(c) volcanic eruption (d) moon
3. During photosynthesis, light energy is use to synthesize
(a) inorganic compound (b) organic compound
(c) both (d) none
4. Photosynthesis is important because
(a) it is the primary source of all food on earth (b) it is responsible for release of O2
(c) both (d) none
5. Select the incorrect statement from the following:
(a) All animals including human depends on plant for their food
(b) The use of energy from sunlight by plants doing photosynthesis is the basis of life of earth
(c) Green plants carry out photosynthesis
(d) None of the above
6. Which of the following is required for photosynthesis?
(a) CO2
(b) Chlorophyll (c) Light (d) All
7. Experiment using two leaves—a variegated leaf or a leaf that was covered with black paper
and one that was exposed to light on testing these leaves for starch—shows that photosynthe-
sis occurs only in _________ part of leaf in _________ of sunlight
(a) non-green, presence (b) green, presence
(c) non-green absence (d) green, absence
8. Half leaf experiment proved that _________ required for photosynthesis.
(a) CO2
(b) chlorophyll (c) light (d) all
9. Which of the following substance is used in half leaf experiment to absorb CO2
(a) HCl (b) KOH (c) HNO3
(d) H2
10. _________ in 1770 performed a series of experiments that revealed the essential role of air in
growth of green plants.
(a) Jan Ingenhousz (b) Joseph Priestley
(c) Von Sachs (d) Cornelius Van Niel
11. Bell Jar Experiment was performed by
(a) Jan Ingenhousz (b) Joseph Priestley
(c) Von Sachs (d) Cornelius Van Niel
13. Find the method use to light the candle in belljar experiment without disturbing the setup
(a) Removing belljar slowly and light the candle
(b) Creating a hole in bell jar
(c) Using hand len
(d) Through a sudden replacement by another enlightened candle
14. Who proved that light is essential for plant process that purifi es foul air by placing priestly and
setup once in light and once in dark?
(a) Jan Ingenhousz (b) Joseph Priestley
(c) Von Sachs (d) Cornelius Van Niel
15. _______ performed an elegant experiment with an _______ plant to show that in bright sun-
light, small bubble, were formed around the _______ parts, while in dark they do not die.
(a) Ingenhousz Aquatic Green
(b) Ingenhousz Terrestrial Green
(c) Priestly Aquatic Green
(d) Priestly Aquatic Non-green
16. Which of the following proved that green part could release O2
by his experiment on an
acquatic plant?
(a) Jan Ingenhousz (b) Joseph Priestley
(c) Von Sachs (d) Cornelius Van Niel
17. Stored form of glucose in plant is
(a) inulin (b) sucrose (c) starch (d) glycogen
18. Who provided evidence for the production of glucose when plant grow?
(a) Ian Ingenhousz (b) Joseph Priestley
(c) Von Sachs (d) Cornelius Van Niel
19. Von Sachs studies shows that
(a) green substance in plants is located in special bodies within the plant cell
(b) glucose is made in green paut of plant
(c) glucose is usually stored as starch
(d) all
20. First action spectrum of photosynthesis is described often as an experiment of
(a) Jan Ingenhousz (b) Joseph Priestley (c) Von Sachs (d) Engelmann
21. Which of the following is incorrect about the experiemnt performed by T.W. Engelmann?
(a) Cldophora (a green algae) is used
(b) Suspension of aerobic bacteria is used
(c) Bacteria accumulated mainly in the region of orange and green lifht of the split spectrum
(d) Prism was used to split light into its spectral component
22. A fi rst action spectrum of photosynthesis was described on the basis of experiment performed
by T.W. Engelmann on _________ algae.
(a) green (b) red (c) brown (d) all
23. Which of the following pigments resemble resembles the action spectrum produced on the
basis of Engelmann experiment?
A. Chl a B. Chl b C. Xanthophyll D. Carotenoids
(a) A and C only (b) A and B only (c) Only A (d) C and D only
24. Who demostrated that photosynthesis is essentially a light-dependent reaction in which hydro-
gen from a suitable oxidisable compound reduces CO2
to carbohydrates?
(a) Engelmann (b) Van Sachs (c) C. Van Niel (d) Ingenhousz
25. Van Neil performed the experiment O2
(a) Purple and Green bacteria (b) Green algae
(c) Green plants (d) Fungus
26. Van Neil was a
(a) physicist (b) microbiologist (c) biochemist (d) chemist
27. Which of the following reaction expresses Van Niel reaction for photosynthesis?
(a) CO2 + H2
O ⎯⎯⎯Light→ [CH2
O] + O2
(b) 2H2
A + CO2 ⎯⎯⎯Light→ 2A + CH2
O + H2
(c) 6CO2 + 12H2
O ⎯⎯⎯Light→ C0
H12O6 + 6H2
O + 6O2
(d) 6CO2 + 6H2
O ⎯⎯⎯Light→ C6
H12O6 + 6O2
28. What are the probable oxidation production of H2
S in purple and green sulphur bacteria?
(a) Sulphur (b) Sulphate (c) Both (d) None
29. The correct equation of photosynthesis is
(a) CO2 + H2
O ⎯⎯⎯Light→ [CH2
O] + O2
(b) 2H2
A + CO2 ⎯⎯⎯Light→ 2A + CH2
O + H2
(c) 6CO2 + 12H2
O ⎯⎯⎯Light→ C0
H12O6 + 6H2
O + 6O2
(d) 6CO2 + 6H2
O ⎯⎯⎯Light→ C6
H12O6 + 6O2
30. By using a _________ isotope it can be proved that O2
is released from water during photosynthesis
(a) radioactive (b) heavy (c) both (d) none
31. Photosynthesis is a
(a) single-step process (b) two-step process
(c) three-step process (d) multi-step process
32. Photosynthesis occurs in
(a) green leaf (b) green stem (c) guard cells (d) all
33. Within chloroplast, membranous system is made up of
(a) grana (b) stroma lamellae (c) stroma (d) Both (a) and (b)
34. Calvin cycle is termed as dark reaction because it
(a) is not dependent on light for CO2
fi xation in stroma
(b) occurs in dark
(c) is by convention only
(d) requires light
35. Where does light reaction occur in chloroplast?
(a) Membrane system (grana) (b) Stroma
(c) Both (d) None
37. Which of the following is correct about light reaction?
(a) light is required (b) ATP is produce during reaction
(c) NADPH is produced during reaction (d) all
38. Find out the incorrect statement from the following:
(a) Dark reaction depends on product formed by light reaction
(b) In stroma, enzymatic reactions incorporates CO2
into the plant leading to synthesis of sugar
(c) Purple and green sulphur bacteria use H2
S as hydrogen donar
(d) There is no division of labour in chloroplast
39. Match the column:
Pigment Colour (in chromatogram)
A. Chl a – i) Bright or blue green
B. Chl b – ii) Yellow
C. Xanthophylls – iii) Yellow–Green
D. Carotenoids – iv) Yellow to yellow–orange
(a) A–i, B–ii, C–iii, D–iv (b) A–i, B–iii, C–ii, D–iv
(c) A–ii, B–i, C–iii, D–iv (d) A–iii, B–ii, C–i, D–iv
40. Chief pigment associated with photosynthesis is
(a) Chl b (b) Chl a (c) Xanthophyll (d) Carotenoid
41. Which light is maximum absorb by Chl ‘a’?
(a) Yellow and Green (b) Red and Blue (c) Yellow and Orange (d) Yellow and Red
42. Which light shows higher rate of photosynthesis?
(a) Yellow and Green (b) Red and Blue (c) Yellow and Orange (d) Yellow and Red
43. Light reaction and photochemical phase include
(a) light absorption (b) water splitting and release of oxygen
(c) ATP and NADPH formation (d) all
44. Which of the following is incorrect about photosystem?
(a) There are two photosystem (PSI and PSII)
(b) PSI and PSII are named in sequence of their discovery
(c) LHC is made up of hundred of pigment molecules which are bounded proteins
(d) Each photosystem has all the pigments (Except one molecule of chlorophyll ‘b’)
45. Select the correct sequence of electron transfer in Z-scheme of light reaction:
(a) e−
Acceptor → ETS (made of cytochrome) → PSII → NADP+ → PSI → e−
(b) PSII → e−
Acceptor → ETS (made of cytochrome) → PSI → e−
Acceptor → NADP+
(c) ETS (made of cytochrome) → PSI → e−
Acceptor → PSII → e−
Acceptor → NADP+
(d) e−
Acceptor → PSI → PSII → e−
Acceptor → ETS (made of cytochrome) → NADP+
46. In Z-scheme, Z-shape is formed when
(a) carriers are placed uphill
(b) carriers are placed downhill
(c) carriers are placed in sequence on a redox potential scale
(d) none of the above
47. Where water splitting complex associated with PSII is situated?
(a) Inner side of chloroplast outer membrane
(b) Inner side of thylakoid membrane
(c) Outer side of thylakoid membrane
(d) Inner side of chloroplast outer membrane
48. Where are the protons and O2
formed likely to be released?
(a) Lumen of thylakoid (b) Outside of thylakoid membrane
(c) In stroma (d) None
49. Photophosphorylation occurs in
(a) mitochondria (b) chloroplast (c) cytoplasm (d) all
50. Photophosphorylation occurs in
(a) mitochondria (b) chloroplast (c) cytoplasm (d) all
51. Oxidative phosphorylation occurs in
(a) mitochondria (b) chloroplast (c) cytoplasm (d) all
52. Place where cyclic fl aw of electrons occur:
(a) Thylakoid of grana (b) Stroma (c) Stroma lamellae (d) All
53. Stroma lamellae lacks all except
(a) PSII (b) NADP reductase
(c) PSI (d) water splitting complex
54. Which of the following is incorrect about cyclic photophosphorylation?
(a) Only PSI involved
(b) It occurs when only light of wavelength beyond 680 nm is available for excitation
(c) Only synthesis of ATP occurs
(d) Synthesis of NADPH + H+ occurs
55. What is the processes that creates proton gradient across thylakoid membrane?
(a) Splitting of water molecule on inner side of membrane (towards lumen)
(b) H+
carrier transport H+
ion from stroma to lumen
(c) NADH reductase removes H+ ion from stroma for reduction of NADP+
(d) All
56. During light reaction
(a) pH of stroma ↓es (b) pH of lumen ↑es
(c) pH of lumen ↓es (d) pH of stroma has no eff ect
57. Which acts as a transmembrane channel?
(a) F0
of ATPase (b) F1
of ATPase (c) both (d) none
58. Chemiosmosis requires
(a) membrane (b) proton pump (c) proton gradient (d) all
59. Which type of phosphorylation takes place in photosynthesis?
(a) Cyclic (b) Non-cyclic
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
60. Unidirectional fl ow of electrons in photophosphorylation takes place in
(a) cyclic (b) non-cyclic (c) pseudocyclic (d) all
61. In light reaction of photosynthesis, chlorophyll is subjected to
(a) destruction (b) permanent reduction
(c) oxidation and reduction (d) neutralization
62. Photosynthetic pigments in chloroplast are embedded in membrane of
(a) thylakoids (b) photoglobin
(c) matrix (d) envelope of chloroplast
64. Which of the following wavelength occurs in red part of the spectrum?
(a) 470 nm (b) 390 nm (c) 680 nm (d) 830 nm
65. The process for which manganese and chloride ions are required in
(a) photolysis of water
(b) for transfer of H+
ion to NADP
(c) for transfer of charge of hydroxyl ion to chlorophyll
(d) none of the above
66. What is the absorption maxima of P-700?
(a) 700 Ã… (b) 683 nm (c) 700 cm (d) 700 nm
67. NADPH2
is generated through
(a) glycolysis (b) Photosystem-I
(c) Photosystem-II (d) anaerobic respiration
69. Quantasomes are present in
(a) pigment system-I (b) pigment system-II
(c) both (a) and (b) (d) none
70. Which of the chlorophyll type ejects the electron during photophosphorylation?
(a) Chlorophyll ‘b’ (b) Chlorophyll ‘a’
(c) Chlorophyll ‘a’ and ‘b’ (d) Xanthophyll
71. In cyclic photophosphorylation which one of the following is formed?
(a) ATP (b) NADP and ATP
(c) NADH2
and O2 (d) NADPH2, ATP and O2
72. Where does the primary photochemical reaction occur in chloroplast/Where does the light
reaction of photosynthesis takes place?
(a) Stroma (b) Edoplasmic reticulum
(c) Quantasome or thylakoids (Grana) (d) Inner membrane of chloroplast
73. The trapping centre of light energy in photosystem-I is
(a) P-660 (b) P-680 (c) P-700 (d) P-720
75. Pigment system–I conducts
(a) cyclic photophosphorylation (b) non-cyclic photophosphorylation
(c) both (a) and (b) (d) none
76. Pigment system–II is concerned with
(a) photolysis of water (b) reduction of CO2
(c) fl owering (d) none
77. Photophosphorylation is a process in which
(a) light energy is converted into chemical energy in the form of ATP
(b) NADP is formed
(c) chemical energy is used to produce ATP
(d) CO2
is reduced to carbohydrate
78. The reaction centre for PS-I and PS-II are
(a) P700 and P680 respectively (b) P680 and P700 respectively
(c) P580 and P700 respectively (d) P700 and P580 respectively
79. Results of light reaction is/are
(a) only ATP (b) only NADPH2
(c) ATP and NADPH2
(d) only FAD
80. Biosynthetic phase of life use all except _________ that is produced in photochemical phase.
(a) ATP (b) NADPH (c) O2
(d) None
81. If light is available for a given duration and than again made unavailable, the biosynthetic
process will
(a) continue for long duration (b) continue for unlimited time
(c) continue for short duration (d) will stop immediately
82. Which of the following is correct about biosynthetic phase?
(a) C14 isotope is used to fi nd out this pathway
(b) Calvin worked on this pathway
(c) Melvin Calvin use photosynthetic algae for this pathway
(d) All
83. Similarity between C3
and C4
(a) Both are equally effi cient
(b) Organic acid is the formed as the fi rst product of CO2
fi xation
(c) Both require one type of cell to occur
(d) Both takes place in all the plants
84. Which pathway takes place in all photosynthetic plant?
(a) C3
(b) C4
(c) Both (d) None
85. For easy understanding, Calvin cycle is divided into how many stages?
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
86. Calvin cycle include
(a) carboxylation (b) reduction
(c) regeneration of RuBP (d) all
87. Which process of Calvin cycle requires RuBP?
(a) Carboxylation (b) Reduction (c) Regeneration (d) None
88. Reduction process of Calvin cycle requires how many ATP and NADPH for reduction of one
molecule of CO2
(a) 2 mole ATP and 2 mole NADPH (b) 2 mole ATP and 2 mole NADPH
(c) 1 mole ATP and 2 mole NADPH (d) 3 mole ATP and 2 mole NADPH
89. How many mols of ATP is required to regenerate one mol of RuBP?
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
90. First stable product of Calvin cycle has
(a) 2 carbon atoms (b) 3 carbon atoms (c) 4 carbon atoms (d) 6 carbon atoms
91. In dark reaction, fi rst reaction is the
(a) carboxylation (b) decarboxylation (c) dehydrogenation (d) deamidation
92. In C4
plants, CO2
combines with PEP in presence of
(a) PEP carboxylase (b) RuBP carboxylase (c) RuBP oxygenase (d) hydrogenase
93. Dark reaction of photosynthesis is called so because it
(a) can also occur in dark (b) does not require light energy
(c) cannot occur during day time (d) occurs more rapidly at night
94. The initial enzyme of Calvin cycle is
(a) ribulose 1, 5 diphosphate carboxylase (b) triose phosphate dehydrogenase
(c) phosphopentokinase (d) cytochrome oxidase
95. During photosynthesis, when PGA is changed into phosphoglyceraldehyde, which of the
following reaction occurs?
(a) oxidation (b) reduction (c) electrolysis (d) hydrolysis
96. Ribulose diphosphate carboxylase enzyme catalyses the carboxylation reaction between
(a) Oxaloacetic acid and acetyl CoA
(b) CO2
and ribulose 1, 5 diphosphate
(c) Ribulose diphosphate and phosphoglyceraldehyde
(d) PGA and dihydroxy acetone phosphate
97. Calvin cycle occurs in
(a) chloroplasts (b) cytoplasm (c) mitochondria (d) glyoxisomes
98. In C3
plants, the fi rst stable product of photosynthesis during dark reaction is
(a) 3-phosphoglyceric acid (b) phosphoglyceraldehyde
(c) maleic acid (d) oxaloacetic acid
99. How many Calvin cycle form one hexose molecule?
(a) 2 (b) 6 (c) 4 (d) 8
100. In which plant Calvin experimented the radioactive isotopy to discover the stable product of
(a) Chlorella (b) Cycas (c) Carrot (d) Tobacco
101. Mesophyll chloroplast of which plant alone is capable of synthesising starch or sucrose?
(a) C3
plant (b) C4
plant (c) both (a) and (b) (d) Neither C3
nor C4
102. The enzymes of dark reaction in C4
plants are found in
(a) bundle sheath chloroplast (b) mesophyll chloroplast
(c) both (a) and (b) (d) none
103. In C4
plants, mesophyll cells are connected with bundle sheath cells with the help of
(a) Cytoplasmic connection (b) Special connecting tissues
(c) Plasmodesmata (d) Connection is not essential
104. In case of C4
pathway, CO2
combines with
(a) PGA (b) PEP
(c) RuDP (d) RMP
105. Which one is a C4
(a) Papaya (b) Pea (c) Potato (d) Maize
106. C4
plants are also known as
(a) Hatch and Slack type (b) Calvin type
(c) Calvin and Bassham type (d) Emerson type
107. In C4
plants, Calvin cycle occurs in
(a) stroma of bundle sheath chloroplast
(b) mesophyll chloroplast
(c) grana of bundle sheath chloroplast
(d) does not occur as CO2
is fi xed mainly by PEP and no CO2
is left for the Calvin cycle
108. Tropical plant like sugarcane show high effi ciency of CO2
fi xation because of
(a) Calvin cycle (b) Hatch and Slack cycle
(c) EMP pathway (d) TCA cycle
109. Which of the following cycle shows oxaloacetic acid as fi rst stable product?
(a) Calvin cycle (b) Hatch and Slack cycle
(c) C2
cycle (d) None
110. Kranz type of anatomy is found in
(a) C2
plants (b) C3
plants (c) C4
plants (d) CAM plants
111. C4
plants are adapted to
(a) hot and dry climate (b) temperate climate
(c) cold and dry climate (d) hot and humid climate
112. Which one of the following is wrong in relation to photorespiration?
(a) It is a characteristic of C3
plants (b) It occurs in chloroplasts
(c) It occurs in day time only (d) It is a characteristic of C4
113. How many types of photosynthetic cells occur in C4
(a) One type (b) Two types (c) Four types (d) Eight types
114. Which of the following cells of C4
plants are prominently loaded with starch?
(a) Epidermal cells (b) Mesophyll cells
(c) Bundle sheath cells (d) All
115. Number of carboxylation in C4
cycle is/are
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 5 (d) 3
116. Photorespiration takes place in
(a) chloroplast, mitochondria (b) mitochondria, peroxisome
(c) chloroplasts, peroxisome, mitochondria (d) chloroplasts, cytoplasm, mitochondria
117. Photorespiration is called
(a) C2
cycle (b) C3
cycle (c) C4
cycle (d) none
118. The fi rst reaction in photorespiraton is
(a) carboxylation (b) decarboxylation (c) oxygenation (d) phosphorylation
119. C4
plant is characterized by
(a) high tolerance to temperature (b) lacks process of photorespiration
(c) greater productivity of biomass (d) all
120. Bundle sheath cells having following characters except
(a) large in size
(b) large number of chloroplast
(c) thick wall impervious to gaseous exchange
(d) with intercellular spaces
121. Primary CO2
acceptor in C4
plant occurs in
(a) inner layer cells of bundle sheath (b) outer layer cells of bundle sheath
(c) mesophyll cells (d) none
122. Bundle sheath cells are rich in
(a) RubisCO (b) PEP case (c) both (d) none
123. Which of the following is correct about photorespiration?
(a) Wasteful process (b) ATP is utilized (c) Release of CO2
(d) All
124. During photorespiration
(a) RubisCO binds with O2
(b) phosphoglycerate and phosphoglycolate is formed
(c) sugar is not synthesized
(d) all
125. Photorespiration does not takes place in C4
plant because
(a) O2
is not released in C4
plant during photosynthesis
(b) intracellular concentration of CO2
is high in bundle sheath ensure RubisCO function as
(c) they are found in cold environment
(d) stomata in them open in night
126. External factor aff ecting photosynthesis are
(a) sunlight and temperature (b) CO2
(c) water (d) all
127. Internal factor aff ecting photosynthesis are
(a) number and size of leaf
(b) age of leaf and orientation
(c) internal CO2
conc. and amount of chlorophyll
(d) all
128. Internal factor of plant depends on
(a) growth of plant (b) genetic predisposition
(c) both (d) none
129. Which is a limiting factor?
(a) Green leaf (b) Optimal light (c) Optimal CO2
(d) Low temperature
130. Photosynthesis is aff ected by
(a) quality of light (b) intensity of light (c) duration of light (d) all
131. Light saturation occurs at _______ % of the fall sunlight.
(a) 2% (b) 5% (c) 10% (d) 20%
132 Light may be a limiting factor for
(a) plants in dense forest (b) plant in temperate forest
(c) plant in grassland (d) all
133. What is the relationship between CO2
fi xation and incident light at law intensities?
(a) Linear (b) Parabola (c) Hyperbola (d) None
134. Select the incorrect statement from the following:
(a) At high intensities, both C3
and C4
plants shows increase in rate of photosynthesis by
increasing CO2
(b) C4
plants shows saturation at 260 μ/L
(c) C3
plant shows saturation beyond 450 μ/L
(d) Productivity of tomatoes and bell pepper can’t be increased by enriching environment by
135. Select the incorrect statement from the following:
(a) Dark reaction is more sensitive to temperature
(b) Light reaction is less sensitive to temperature
(c) C4
plant respond to higher temperature and C3
plant have lower optimum temperature
(d) Tropical plant have lower optimum temperature for photosynthesis
136. Water stress leads to
(a) closing of stomata (b) wilting of leaves
(c) reduced activity of leaf (d) all
137. Which factor aff ect indirectly to process of photosynthesis?
(a) Light (b) Temperature
(c) CO2
concentration (d) Water
138. Photosynthesis takes place
(a) only in sunlight
(b) only in yellow light
(c) in the visible light obtained from any source
(d) only in very high intensity of light
139. Photo-oxidation of chlorophyll is called
(a) intensifi cation (b) chlorosis (c) solarization (d) defoliation
140. Which one of the following is not a limiting factor for photosynthesis?
(a) Oxygen (b) Carbon dioxide (c) Chlorophyll (d) Light
141. If a plant is kept in 300ppm CO2
concentration, what will happen to it?
(a) plant will die soon (b) plant will grow but will not die
(c) plant will show normal photosynthesis (d) respiration will be greatly decreased
142. What will be the eff ect of intermittent light on photosynthesis?
(a) It will increase (b) It will decrease
(c) Nothing will happen (d) Process will stop
144. Main factor which limits the rate of photosynthesis on a clear day is
(a) chlorophyll (b) light (c) CO2
(d) water
145. Blackman’s law of limiting factor is applied to
(a) growth (b) respiration (c) transpiration (d) photosynthesis
146. Which factor is not limited to normal conditions for photosynthesis?
(a) Air (b) CO2
(c) Water (d) Chlorophyll
147. The fi rst product of CO2
fi xation in Hatch and Slack (C4
) cycle in plants is formation of
(a) oxaloacetate by carboxylation of phosphoenol pyruvate (PEP) in bundle sheath cells
(b) phosphoglyceric acid in mesophyll cells
(c) bundle sheath cells
(d) oxaloacetate by carboxylation of phosphoenol pyruvate (PEP) in the mesophyll cells
Answer Keys -
1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (c) 5. (d) 6. (d) 7. (b) 8. (d) 9. (b) 10. (b)
11. (b) 12. (c) 13. (c) 14. (a) 15. (a) 16. (a) 17. (c) 18. (c) 19. (d) 20. (d)
21. (c) 22. (a) 23. (b) 24. (c) 25. (a) 26. (b) 27. (b) 28. (c) 29. (c) 30. (a)
31. (d) 32. (d) 33. (d) 34. (c) 35. (a) 36. (a) 37. (d) 38. (d) 39. (b) 40. (b)
41. (b) 42. (c) 43. (d) 44. (d) 45. (b) 46. (c) 47. (b) 48. (a) 49. (d) 50. (b)
51. (a) 52. (c) 53. (c) 54. (d) 55. (d) 56. (c) 57. (a) 58. (d) 59. (c) 60. (a)
61. (c) 62. (a) 63. (a) 64. (c) 65. (a) 66. (d) 67. (b) 68. (b) 69. (c) 70. (b)
71. (a) 72. (c) 73. (c) 74. (d) 75. (c) 76. (a) 77. (a) 78. (a) 79. (c) 80. (c)
81. (c) 82. (d) 83. (b) 84. (a) 85. (c) 86. (d) 87. (a) 88. (b) 89. (a) 90. (b)
91. (a) 92. (a) 93. (b) 94. (a) 95. (b) 96. (b) 97. (a) 98. (a) 99. (b) 100. (a)
101. (a) 102. (c) 103. (c) 104. (b) 105. (d) 106. (a) 107. (a) 108. (b) 109. (b) 110. (c)
111. (a) 112. (d) 113. (b) 114. (c) 115. (b) 116. (c) 117. (a) 118. (c) 119. (d) 120. (d)
121. (c) 122. (a) 123. (d) 124. (d) 125. (b) 126. (d) 127. (d) 128. (c) 129. (d) 130. (d)
131. (c) 132. (a) 133. (a) 134. (d) 135. (d) 136. (d) 137. (d) 138. (c) 139. (c) 140. (a)
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